- 0
Just make a ipa please
#49 opened by BH-Playz - 0
feature request
#48 opened by hunter1026 - 0
#47 opened by hunter1026 - 0
Support for local music
#46 opened by systemd11 - 0
Beta android app tablet
#45 opened by Ninitheaxolotl11 - 1
Sideloading Spotify API support
#41 opened by fritzlb - 2
I can't use Spotify library form Spotify
#34 opened by ByteMe6 - 5
cant sign in
#39 opened by hunter1026 - 0
Crucial features missing
#38 opened by tmsgm - 1
Click in to scrub while music is playing
#37 opened by matthewye98 - 1
Be able to add music files
#36 opened by Coolldudeabc123 - 0
Show 'liked songs' in Playlists
#35 opened by sakofchit - 3
Rename "themes" to "device color"
#32 opened by sirjamesgray - 3
Device Themes
#5 opened by sakofchit - 0
migrate to dart 3.0
#31 opened by sakofchit - 2
Haptic improvement
#28 opened by sirjamesgray - 0
Smaller click wheel & visual feedback
#29 opened by erentomurcuk - 2
Bad adaptive for iPhone SE (1st Gen)
#27 opened by Rescor - 1
Hold to Fast Forward/Rewind
#24 opened by sakofchit - 1
- 0
- 1
Playlist not loading
#23 opened by KingAlvaro1000 - 2
Playlists via playify
#22 opened by greendoescode - 2
- 1
Playlist Not Synced Or Usable
#19 opened by TheKING2185 - 3
#20 opened by Jonathan0827 - 1
- 2
- 2
[WIP] Spotify Implementation
#15 opened by sakofchit - 1
#17 opened by Bermudagirl52 - 0
Alphabetical Scrolling
#13 opened by sakofchit - 3
Implementing Music Player Functionality
#2 opened by sakofchit - 0
App icon to match theme
#12 opened by sakofchit - 2
Speed Scrolling
#9 opened by sakofchit - 0
Implement games
#4 opened by sakofchit - 0
Make app responsive on all screens
#1 opened by sakofchit