
Support slash commands with an extension to Rapptz/discord.py

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Support slash commands.

Example Usage

from discord.ext import slash
client = slash.SlashBot(
    # normal arguments to commands.Bot()
    command_prefix='.', description="whatever",
    # special option: modify all global commands to be
    # actually guild commands for this guild instead,
    # for the purposes of testing. Remove this argument
    # or set it to None to make global commands be
    # properly global - note that they take 1 hour to
    # propagate. Useful because commands are
    # re-registered every time the bot starts.

msg_opt = slash.Option(
    # description of option, shown when filling in
    description='Message to send',
    # this means that the slash command will not be invoked
    # if this argument is not specified

@client.slash_cmd() # global slash command
async def repeat( # command name
    ctx: slash.Context, # there MUST be one argument annotated with Context
    message: msg_opt
    """Send a message in the bot's name""" # description of command
    await ctx.respond(message, # respond to the interaction
        # sends a message without showing the command invocation



  • slash.Context emulates commands.Context, but only to a certain extent. Notably, ctx.message does not exist, because slash commands can be run completely without the involvement of messages. However, channel and author information is still available.
  • All descriptions are required.

See the wiki.