Tariff Classification Front End

The Front End for the internal Operator Service for reviewing & determining BTI applications


To run this Service you will need:
  1. Service Manager Installed
  2. SBT Version >0.13.13 Installed
Starting the application:
  1. Run Assets Frontend: sm --start ASSETS_FRONTEND -r 4.5.0
  2. Start Binding Tariff Classification Using sm --start BINDING_TARIFF_CLASSIFICATION -f
  3. Start Stride Auth Frontend Using sm --start STRIDE_AUTH_FRONTEND -r
  4. Start Stride Auth Using sm --start STRIDE_AUTH -r
  5. Start Stride Auth IDP Stub Using sm --start STRIDE_IDP_STUB -r
  6. Start Email sm --start EMAIL -r
  7. Start Mailgun Stub sm --start MAILGUN_STUB -r
  8. Start Email Renderer sm --start HMRC_EMAIL_RENDERER -r
  9. Start Pdf Generator Service sm --start PDF_GENERATOR_SERVICE -r (Requires first installing dependencies - see below)

Finally Run sbt run" to boot the app

Open http://localhost:9000/tariff-classification-frontend

See Binding Tariff Classification for info on how to set up test data

Starting With Service Manager

This application runs on port 9581


Open http://localhost:9581/tariff-classification

PDF Generator Service

This service requires the installation of some dependencies before it can be run using Service Manager. See Pdf Generator Service.

Running PDF Generator Service locally on Mac OSX (currently) requires running an older version.

Run sm --start PDF_GENERATOR_SERVICE -r 1.20.0


Run ./run_all_tests.sh

or sbt test it:test


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.