
Backport of Java 8 Double/Long Accumulator/Adder for Android Studio 3.x D8 / desugar toolchain, forked from https://github.com/stefan-zobel/streamsupport

Primary LanguageJava

Maven Central javadoc.io


android-retroatomic is a backport of the java.util.concurrent.atomic classes added in Java 8 (DoubleAccumulator, LongAccumulator, DoubleAdder and LongAdder) for Android developers wanting to use the Android Studio 3.x D8 / desugar toolchain.

There is nothing specific to Android or the desugar toolchain in this code (it could even be compiled to Java 6 bytecode) but it has a dependency on android-retrostreams which is why this exists as a separate component (the corresponding streamsupport-atomic component can't be used with android-retrostreams and android-retrostreams itself can only be used with desugar or Java 8 and higher).

Other than having a different package name this code has no further changes compared with streamsupport-atomic

Online Javadoc is available at docs

Please give feedback here if you experience any problems.


dependencies {
    implementation 'net.sourceforge.streamsupport:android-retroatomic:1.7.4'


GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception (and CC0 1.0 for JSR-166 derived code)