
iOS library adding closure (block or callback) functionality to several native classes (alert views, buttons, sliders, storyboard segues, gesture recognizers, etc)

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS library adding closure (block or callback) functionality to several native classes (alert views, buttons, sliders, storyboard segues, gesture recognizers, etc).

This library is written in Swift but it also works in Objective-C. Make sure to read the installation notes below.


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  1. Installation

Just add Curly.swift to your project :)

This library is written in Swift but it also works in Objective-C. If you are using Objective-C, make sure you add #import "[YourProjectName]-Swift.h" at the beginning of your Objective-C file. You may need to compile once for the Swift methods to be recognized by Xcode's Objective-C editor.

  1. Usage

You can preview the functionality below by running the sample project in the CurlySample folder

Buttons, Sliders, etc (UIControl):

button.addAction(.TouchUpInside) {
    (bttn:UIButton) -> Void in
    println("tapped button")
slider.addAction(.ValueChanged) {
    (sldr:UISlider) -> Void in
    println("moved slider")

This works with any subclass of UIControl.

[button addAction:UIControlEventTouchUpInside block:^(UIControl *bttn) {
    NSLog(@"tapped button");
[slider addAction:UIControlEventValueChanged block:^(UIControl *sldr) {
    NSLog(@"moved slider");

Alert Views:

alertView.show(didDismiss:{(alertView:UIAlertView, buttonIndex:Int) -> Void in

    println("dismissed with button at index \(buttonIndex)")

Other methods are: .show(clicked:), .show(willDismiss:) and the more complete version .show(clicked:,willPresent:,didPresent:,willDismiss:,didDismiss:,canceled:,shouldEnableFirstOtherButton:)

[alertView showWithDidDismiss:^(UIAlertView *alertView, NSInteger buttonIndex) {

    NSLog(@"dismissed with button at index %d",(int)buttonIndex);

The other Objective-C methods are: showWithclicked:, .showWithWillDismiss: and the more complete version showWithClicked:willPresent:didPresent:willDismiss:didDismiss:canceled:shouldEnableFirstOtherButton:

Storyboard Segues:

The method below works as long as you don't override prepareForSegue in your UIViewController's subclass.

self.performSegueWithIdentifier("segue", sender: nil) {
    (segue:UIStoryboardSegue, sender:AnyObject?) -> Void in
    println("preparing for segue!")
[[UIViewController alloc] performSegueWithIdentifier:@"segue" sender:nil preparation:^(UIStoryboardSegue *segue, id sender) {
    NSLog(@"preparing for segue!");

Gesture Recognizers:

let gestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer {
    (gr:UIPanGestureRecognizer)->Void in
    println("gesture recognizer: \(gr)")

This works with any subclass of UIGestureRecognizer.

UIPanGestureRecognizer *gestureRecognizer
= [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithBlock:^(UIGestureRecognizer *gr) {
    NSLog(@"gesture recognizer: %@",gr);

Some Delegates:

With Curly you can define delegates for UIScrollView and UINavigationController using only closures/blocks.

    didScroll: { (scrollView:UIScrollView) -> Void in
        println("did scroll")

For the complete UIScrollViewDelegate functionality use .setDelegate(willBeginDragging:,didScroll:,willEndDragging:,didEndDragging:,willBeginDecelerating:,didEndDecelerating:,didEndScrollingAnimation:,shouldScrollToTop:,didScrollToTop:,willBeginZooming:,didZoom:,didEndZooming:,viewForZooming:)

    willShow: { (viewController:UIViewController) -> Void in
        println("will show")
    didShow: { (viewController:UIViewController) -> Void in
        println("did show")

The second parameter didShow is optional.

[scrollView setDelegateWithDidScroll:^(UIScrollView *scrollView) {
    NSLog(@"did scroll");

For the complete UIScrollViewDelegate functionality use setDelegateWithWillBeginDragging:didScroll:willEndDragging:didEndDragging:willBeginDecelerating:didEndDecelerating:didEndScrollingAnimation:shouldScrollToTop:didScrollToTop:willBeginZooming:didZoom:didEndZooming:viewForZooming: o

[navigationController setDelegateWithWillShow:^(UIViewController *viewController, BOOL animated) {
    NSLog(@"will show");
} didShow:^(UIViewController *viewController, BOOL animated) {
    NSLog(@"did show");

Observing an Object's Deinit (Dealloc):

The method below works with any subclass of NSObject. Unfortunately, as of now, you cannot refer to your object or its properties inside the closure. In fact, any weak reference to the object will be nil by the time you are in the closure.

object.deinited {
    println("object has been deinited")
[object deinited:^{
    NSLog(@"object has been deinited");   