
LDAP Membership Adaptor for Mailman 2.1

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Mailman LDAP Member Adaptor

A LDAP Membership Adaptor for Mailman 2.1

This work is based on https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/558106

This code is in beta! Feel free to open issues or submit patches. The adaptor is currently testet with Mailman 2.1.15


This module requires the "ldap" module, aka python-ldap, obtainable from http://python-ldap.sourceforge.net/.


To use this module, place it in the ~mailman/Mailman directory. Create a normal Mailman mailing list with no members. Create an "extend.py" file in the list's directory (~mailman/lists/yourlist) with the following in it:

from Mailman.LDAP2Memberships import LDAP2Memberships

def extend(list):
    ldap = LDAP2Memberships(list)
    ldap.ldapserver = 'ldap://ldap.example.net:389' # your LDAP server
    ldap.ldapbasedn = 'dc=example,dc=net'           # your base DN
    ldap.ldapbinddn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=net'  # bind DN that can access 'mail' field
    ldap.ldappasswd = ''                            # bind password for ldapbinddn
    ldap.ldaprefresh = 300                          # refresh time in seconds
    ldap.ldaptls = False                            # use TLS, must be set to True or False
    ldap.ldapmemberuid = 'uid'                      # The attribute name that holds the user id
                                                    # (set this to 'distinguishedName' for AD)
    ldap.ldapsearch = '(objectClass=*)'             # your LDAP search here
    ldap.ldapgroupdn = None                         # an optional groupdn if you want only members
                                                    # of a specific group
    ldap.ldapgroupattr = 'memberUid'                # if using groups, attribute that holds member uid info.
                                                    # omit or set to null string if not using groups.
    ldap.ldapfullname = 'displayName'               # the attribute that should be used for the fullname
    ldap.ldapmodgroupdn = None                      # OPTIONAL a group that do not have the moderation flag
                                                    # (all other will get the default flag)
                                                    # if set to None, the moderation flag can be control via
                                                    # the admin interface
    ldap.alwaysDeliver = False                      # OPTIONAL set to true to disable bounces, user deactivation and topics
                                                    # Disabling delivery via the admin interface is always possible
    ldap.defaults()                                 # Sets missing options (should always be called)
    list._memberadaptor = ldap


  1. This module does not support for adding/remove users.

  2. Bounce processing is only partially supported. If alwaysDeliver is set to False, users will be deactivated but not removed (see 1.). If it is set to True bounce processing is completely disabled.

  3. The Mailman Web interface does not detect that we do not implement the add/remove function and will show a useless error message.

  4. The LDAP settings themselves (e.g. ldapsearch) are only administrable by editing extend.py, not over the Web.

  5. Assumption: The email address of subscribers is in the 'mail' field in their LDAP records. If it is somewhere else, kick your LDAP admin for not being compliant with inetOrgPerson ...