Install steps

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install pip wheel setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt

# and build (fr) HTML
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-v -D language='fr'" html

# open HTML in the browser
xdg-open build/html/index.html

# build (en) HTML and reload page in the browser
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-v -D language='en'" html

create POT locales/index.pot

sphinx-build -M gettext -d "build/.doctrees" source source/locales

create fr translation in locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/index.po

sphinx-intl update -l fr -d source/locales -p source/locales

Uninstall steps

rm -rf .venv build source/locales

Translate fr

The :rspan: and :cspan: directives are special reST-roles. These directives are used in the ListTableBuilder and removed while the table is parsed. These reST-roles must not be in the translation:

#: ../index.rst:21
msgid ":rspan:`1` :cspan:`1` field 2.2 - 3.3"
msgstr "test (fr) field 2.2 - 3.3"

Most other reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles should be translated as-is:

#: ../index.rst:48
msgid ":math:`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`"
msgstr "test (fr) :math:`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`"