
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Slide-Show - an Image Carousel clone

Welcome to Slide-Show, an image carousel clone.

How To Use

Include the stylesheet on your document's <head>.

  <link href="slide-show.css" rel="stylesheet">

Include the javascript file in your document's <body>, just before the closing tag.

	// other code here
  <script src="slide-show.min.js"></script>
  • Use the slide-show class attached to a div to activate the scroller object
    • Include image elements inside the div to fill the scroller object
    • The order the images are in will be the order they appear in the scroller object
  • Use data-slide-show-delay='5000' to set the time to show each image in ms, defaults to 5000ms
  • Use data-slide-show-direction='right' to set the direction the scroller rotates, can be right or left, defaults to right
  • Use data-slide-show-fill='fill' can be set to 'fill', which will fill each image to the size of whatever element is wrapping the .slide-show. Otherwise, the images will be set to the height of the smallest image, and a margin will be left if the image is narrower than the .slide-show.


<div class="slide-show" data-slide-show-fill="fill" data-slide-show-direction="right" data-slide-show-delay="5000" >
  <img src="img/desk.jpg" alt="slide show image" title="this is an image description" />
  <img src="img/smiling.jpg" alt="slide show image" title="this is a clickable link!" data-slide-show-link="index.html" />

Live Demo

Custom Builds

Slide-Show is powered by gulp.js, so it's pretty easy to create a custom build. First you will need a copy of the Slide-Show project. Next, you will need Gulp and all other dependencies:

$ cd path/to/slideShow/
$ npm install // you will need sudo if you are on a mac!

Run gulp to compile your custom builds. You can customize the look of your image scroller using src/scss/_custom-variables.scss.

There are three variables you can customize:

$scroller-bg-color: #808080;
$title-bg-color: #D1D1D1;
$btn-prefix: red;

$scroller-bg-color describes the background color of the Slide-Show, behind the images. $title-bg-color describes background color of the description text in the Slide-Show. $btn-prefix can be used to allow custom buttons. This example will allow you to use custom buttons called 'red-left.png', 'red-right.png', 'red-play.png', 'red-pause.png', 'red-reverse.png'.

Directory Structure

├── dist/
     └── img/
├── docs/
├── src/
		 ├── demo/
		      ├── img/
		      └── css/
     ├── img/
     ├── js/
     └── scss/
├── .gitignore
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
<<<<<<< HEAD
├── bower.json
├── LICENSE.txt
>>>>>>> dev
└── README.md


Slide-Show is licensed under the MIT license.