
Gratia-compatible collector for grid accounting records

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status


The gracc-collector is a "Gratia-Compatible Collector" that acts as a transitional interface between the obsolete Gratia accounting collector and probes and the new GRÅCC accounting system.

It listens for bundles of records (as would be sent via replication from a Gratia collector or from a Gratia probe) on HTTP, processes the bundle into individual usage records, and sends those to RabbitMQ or another AMQP 0.9.1 broker.


The config file is TOML format. Config options can also be specified by environment variables, shown below in parentheses. Environment variables override file settings.

address = "localhost" # address to listen on (GRACC_ADDRESS)
port = "8888"         # port to listen on (GRACC_PORT)
timeout = "60s"       # HTTP connection timeout (GRACC_TIMEOUT)
loglevel = "debug"    # log level [debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic] (GRACC_LOGLEVEL)

enable = true         # Enable AMQP output (GRACC_AMQP_ENABLE)
scheme = "amqp"       # AMQP URI scheme [amqp|amqps] (GRACC_AMQP_SCHEME)
host = "localhost"    # AMQP broker (GRACC_AMQP_HOST)
port = "5672"         # (GRACC_AMQP_PORT)
vhost = ""            # (GRACC_AMQP_VHOST)
exchange = ""         # (GRACC_AMQP_EXCHANGE)
routingKey = ""       # (GRACC_AMQP_ROUTINGKEY)
durable = true        # keep exchange between server restarts (GRACC_AMQP_DURABLE)
autoDelete = true     # delete exchange when there are no remaining bindings (GRACC_AMQP_AUTODELETE)
user = "guest"        # (GRACC_AMQP_USER)
password = "guest"    # (GRACC_AMQP_PASSWORD)
format = "raw"        # format to send record in [raw|xml|json] (GRACC_AMQP_FORMAT)
retry = "10s"         # AMQP connection retry interval (GRACC_AMQP_RETRY)

enable = false             # Enable Kafka output (GRACC_KAFKA_ENABLE)
brokers = "localhost:9092" # Kafka bootstrap  broker address(es), comma-separated (GRACC_KAFKA_BROKERS)
topic = "gracc"            # Destination topic (GRACC_KAFKA_TOPIC)
format = "json"            # format to send record in [raw|xml|json] (GRACC_KAFKA_FORMAT)


gracc-collector [-c <config file>] [-l <log file>] [-pprof on|<address:port>]

Where <log file> can be "stdout", "stderr", or a file name; default is "stderr". -pprof on will expose pprof on the main http server at /debug/pprof/. -pprof <address:port> will expose it on a separate http server as specified, also at /debug/pprof/.

See sample/gracc.service for a sample systemd unit configuration. Copy the file (with appropriate changes) to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ then use standard systemd commands to control the process.

  • Start: systemctl start gracc.service
  • Stop: systemctl stop gracc.service
  • Restart: systemctl restart gracc.service
  • Refresh log file: systemctl kill --signal=SIGUSR1 gracc.service
  • Toggle debug logging: systemctl kill --signal=SIGUSR2 gracc.service

See sample/gracc.logrotate for a sample logrotate configuration. Copy the file (with appropriate changes) to /etc/logrotate.d/gracc.

Creating a Release

To create a release, one must do the following:

  1. Merge a commit to master updating the release notes in README.md and gracc-collector.spec.
  2. Create a release in the gracc-collector GitHub repository; this will create a new release.
  3. Head over to the OSG packaging repository and update the gracc-collector packaging there; you will need to at least copy over the gracc-collector.spec and the update the git SHA1 associated with the release. Steps 1-3 should take 15 minutes.
  4. Utilize the OSG build tools to do an official build of the gracc-collector RPM in Koji. This should take 15 minutes.
  5. Wait until the GOC synchronizes the updated gracc-collector RPM to the osg-development repository. Estimated wait time is 2 hours.
  6. Run make release; this will update the local Dockerfile and perform a commit. Run docker build . to ensure the generated image contains the correct gracc-collector version.
  7. If all looks good, push the updated Dockerfile to GitHub; this will trigger the DockerHub build.

Release Notes


  • Add Kafka output.


  • Add persistence to the messages to last through a AMQP server reboot.


  • Allow Dockerfile releases to be made via osg-development repository.
  • Add appropriate license file.


  • Add support for X-Forwarded-For / X-Real-IP headers, for when the collector is running behind a HTTP proxy


  • Fix issue causing collector to never see AMQP unblock signal.


  • Better handling of AMQP connection blocking: If the connection is blocked for a long time, existing HTTP connections will time out and return an error, rather than staying open indefinitely. New HTTP connections will immediately return an error.
  • Improved error handling and HTTP responses.


Fix resource leak when rabbitmq is down.


Add configurable AMQP scheme to support TLS connections to broker.


Accept UsageRecord (treated identically as JobUsageRecord).


  • Feature-complete for initial production deployment to replace Gratia collector.
  • Accept XML record bundles ("multiupdate") as would typically be sent by a probe.


  • Allow config options to be set by environment variable. Precedence: env var > config file > default.
  • Change timeout and AMQP.retry config options to duration strings. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".


Fully flatten JobUsageRecord into simple key:value hash map.


Revised JSON output structure based on OGF UsageRecord and switch default output to JSON.

Mapping documentation


Significant rewrite to simplify while maintaining robust error handling.

  • Removed unneeded file, elasticsearch, and kafka outputs.
  • One AMQP channel is opened for each bundle received; the HTTP connection from the probe or collector is not closed until all records are confirmed by the AMQP broker. If an error occurs or a record is returned then a 500 error code is returned.


  • Handle AMQP returned records
  • Improved parsing of record bundles


  • Better handling for AMQP communication errors


  • Support multiple AMQP workers
  • Timeout if output filter is blocking too long, respond to request with error code so bundle gets re-sent later
  • Improved log messages and responses


Created internal queues for outputting records.


Add basic collector statistics served at /stats.


Add option to write records to RabbitMQ.


Add option to write records to file.


Add option to send records to Kafka topic.


Initial dev version, send records to Elasticsearch.