
This function allows you to print stuff remotely on the ATIS printers of the KIT using SSH.

Primary LanguageShell

Just type atis PATH_TO_FILE to print stuff remotely on a ATIS printer of the KIT using SSH.

Steps to use the function:

  1. Generate a SSH key on the device you want to print stuff from (e.g. ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o -a 100).
  2. Edit your .ssh/config for convenience:
Host atis
  HostName i08fs1.informatik.kit.edu
  1. Connect to your ATIS account via SSH (ssh atis) and add your generated SSH publickey to .ssh/authorized_keys. Alternatively just do cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | ssh atis 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'. You need to enter your ATIS password.
  2. Connect to your ATIS account again (ssh atis) and make sure that you don't need to enter your password again.
  3. Type source PATH_TO_THIS_REPO/atis.sh to activate the function.
  4. You should now be able to print files by typing atis PATH_TO_FILE.
  5. On your host, add source PATH_TO_THIS_REPO/atis.sh to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to keep the function activated in future shell sessions.

Specifying a printer

You can additionally specify a specific printer by typing atis PATH_TO_FILE PRINTER_NAME.

In theory, valid values for PRINTER_NAME are:

  • pool-sw1 (or sw1)
  • pool-sw2 (or sw2)
  • pool-sw3 (or sw3)
  • pool-farb1 (or farb1)

However, I found that only pool-sw3 and pool-farb1 work reliably. Hence, I set pool-sw3 as the default printer.

Specifying a printing mode

You can additionally specify a print mode by typing atis PATH_TO_FILE PRINTER_NAME PRINT_MODE.

Valid values for PRINT_MODE are:

  • one-sided (or simplex)
  • two-sided-long-edge (or duplex)
  • two-sided-short-edge

The default print mode is two-sided-long-edge (or duplex).

Thanks to the ATIS people for this docu.