I am a Data Scientist by training and Full-Stack Developer by passion who specialises in creating thoughtful experiences for brands. (Also a self-proclaimed Designer)
In my swiss army knife of FullStack skills, React is my sharpest blade. With 3+ years of experience in React, I've contributed to open-source communities and startups alike, and so far, thankfully nothing has fallen apart.
From here on out, it's just Onwards and Upwards 🚀
- 🌍 I'm based in Mumbai, India
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at reubence.com
- ✉️ You can DM me on twitter
- 🚀 I'm currently working as a Full-Stack Engineer with Wanderlust
- 🧠 I'm learning to automate videos using remotion.js
- 🤝 Open to collaborating on open-source projects, startups or anything that involves building/creating something!
- ⚡ Fun Fact : In a past life, I was a Data Scientist.
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