This is an Landing Page created by Reubert Barbosa
In the future we're gonna have an credit card named FreeTax, and that's basically for those who don't wanna pay extra money on daily transactions. Are u interested? haha I knew it, who don't want!
First of all, you'll have to download Composer:
FreeTax Landing Page requires the latest Laravel 5.4 version, check the links below to know how to install:
Also, we have to install tasksel and lamp-server, follow the commands:
$ sudo apt-get install tasksel
$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
To install phpMyAdmin:
$ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
Later, you'll can see it on localhost/phpmyadmin
After this, go to the folder where you're gonna clone this. Install Git on your local machine, checkout the link:
After cloned this repository into some folder, you should do these steps to run the application:
$ cd folder-where-is-the-clone
$ php artisan serve
That should give you an message like this
Laravel development server started:
After this, open your browser and type:
FYI: You should gonna to configure your database to work properly.
That's it, you are ready to enjoy!