
Setup should be a three step dance.

  1. Look at config/database.yml and create the configured database and user. This is an exercise left to the reader, but in a nutshell: install postgres, create the db, create the user with sufficient privileges so that it can drop/create the database.
  2. rake db:reset
  3. rake db:migrate

If you're comfortable enough with postgres and intend to poke in the database at a lower level, then also set your schema search path:

alter database quran_dev set search_path = "$user", quran, content, audio, i18n, public;


The search engine used to query the Quran.


To run elasticsearch, in bash paste:

elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml


To install: Web portal: sudo elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head

Github: https://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head

To run: Open in browser http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/

If you’ve installed the .deb package, then the plugin exectuable will be available at /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin.



Indices or routing? (RoutingMissingException)

* Delete the index
* http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-delete-index.html


View mappings: in browser - http://localhost:9200/quran/_mapping

ElasticSearch client API:

- This should come in handy if the rails extension just isn't cutting it. You can get to it via the model class,
  e.g. Quran::Text.__elasticsearch__.client
- http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/elasticsearch-api/Elasticsearch/API
- https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby/tree/master/elasticsearch-api

Pre-build tasks:

  • To create the ElasticSearch index: rake es_tasks:setup_index
  • To delete it, run rake es_tasks:delete_index
  • To delete and recreate only a single mapping from the rails console:
    client = Quran::Ayah.__elasticsearch__.client
    client.indices.delete_mapping index: 'quran', type: 'translation'
    client.indices.put_mapping index: 'quran', type: 'translation', body: { translation: { _parent: { type: 'ayah' }, _routing: { required: true, path: 'ayah_key' }, properties: { text: { type: 'string', term_vector: 'with_positions_offsets_payloads' } } } }

Note: you will run into the problem of not having the arabic_synonyms.txt file in the proper location for elasticsearch. That's fine. The file is located in the public directory and should be placed in /etc/elasticsearch/analysis on your server.


  • Figuring out whats wrong with a query
  • Fire up a rails console:

    r = Quran::Ayah.search( "allah light", 1, 20, [ 'content.transliteration', 'content.translation' ] ) debugme=r.instance_values['search'].instance_values['definition'][:body] print debugme.to_json, "\n"

    {"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"has_child":{"type":"transliteration","query":{"match":{"text":{"query":"allah light","operator":"or","minimum_should_match":"3\u003c62%"}}}}},{"has_child":{"type":"translation","query":{"match":{"text":{"query":"allah light","operator":"or","minimum_should_match":"3\u003c62%"}}}}}],"minimum_number_should_match":1}}}

  • Copy and paste that output into the 'Any Request' tab of

ElasticSearch Optimization TODO NOTES

  • normalize western languages (stemming, etc.)
  • factor in frequency, density, proximity to each other, and proximity to the beginning of the ayah (seems like it's not factored in)
    • frequency, i.e. if 'allah light' matches 'allah' once, and 'light' twice in the same result, then that result needs a higher score than matching only 'allah' once and 'light' once
    • density, i.e. if 'allah light' matches an ayah which is only 5 tokens long, e.g. 'allah word_a light word_b word_c' then this has a higher density then a match against a result which is 300 words long and should respectively have a higher score
    • proximity to each other, i.e. 'allah light' matching 'allah word light word word word' gets a better score then a match against 'allah word word word word word word light'
    • proximity to the beginning of the ayah, i.e. if 'allah light' matches a translation which is 'allah is the light of word word word word word word' then this should have a higher score then 'word word word word word word word allah word word word word light'

