
A Golang library for interacting with Linksys Smart WiFi-enabled routers using the JNAP protocol

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linksys godoc

A Go library for interacting with Linksys Smart WiFi-enabled routers using the JNAP protocol described below.

HTTP API overview

All API requests are POST requests made to The API endpoint can be changed if does not point to the router. The special domain LinksysSmartWIFI.com points to the router ONLY if the DNS server is still the default. If using any other DNS server, such as Google's, it will point to

All requests contain a JSON object as the POST data. Even if the action doesn't require any parameters, the POST data must be {}. All actions below take no parameters unless otherwise documented. The Content-Type header does not matter and is assumed to be application/json.

All responses are JSON objects with two keys: output and response. The response key indicates the status of the action. A value of OK indicates the operation was successful, any other value indicates an error. When an error occurs, another field, error, may be returned.


Every request has an HTTP header, X-JNAP-Action, that describes the action, request, and response parameters. Every action starts with http://linksys.com/jnap/ (alternatively, http://cisco.com/jnap/ could be used, but it seems to be deprecated). The actions described below have the prefix omitted, but are required in the header. For example, if the heading below is core/GetDeviceInfo, the HTTP header X-JNAP-Action in the request will be http://linksys.com/jnap/core/GetDeviceInfo.


Most actions require authorization provided by the X-JNAP-Authorization HTTP header. The header is a basic access authentication with the username admin. An example of the value of X-JNAP-Authorization in pseudocode would be:

"Basic "+base64("admin:"+password)

For example, if the password was password, the header would be Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Unauthorized requests


This action returns the password hint.


This action returns the restrictions for the admin password.


This action returns information about the router including the model, firmware, and a list of supported actions.


This action returns whether the admin password is the default password.


This action returns every device that has connected to the router (whether it is currently connected or not) with information such as it's local IP address (if currently connected), hostname, MAC addresses, device model (if detected), and operating system (if detected). Surprisingly, this action does not require authorization.

  • sinceRevision an integer that, when provided, makes the response only contain devices that have connected since the specified revision.


This action returns the router-assigned GUID of the device performing the request.


This action returns the firewall ALG settings.


This action returns the timestamp of the last time the router checked for an update.


This action returns the time zone of the router.


This action returns information associated with every connected device including its MAC address, Mbps, band (2.4GHz, 5GHz, ...), and signal decibels. Surprisingly, this action does not require authorization.


Same as networkconnections/GetNetworkConnections, but with the radio ID.


This action returns the parental controls settings, such as if it's enabled and rules.


This action returns QoS settings.


This action returns WLAN QoS settings.


This action returns DHCP leases for every connected device.


This action returns ethernet port connections.


This action returns whether express forwarding is enabled.


This action returns IPv6 settings.


Same as router/GetIPv6Settings, but with more information.


This action returns LAN settings.


This action returns the MAC address clone settings.


This action returns routing settings.


This action returns information about the WAN status of the router.


This action returns a bit more information than router/GetWANStatus.


This action returns a bit more information than router/GetWANStatus2.


This action returns a list of activated LEDs on the router.


This action returns DHCP log entries.

  • firstEntryIndex an integer
  • entryCount an integer


This action returns incoming log entries.

  • firstEntryIndex an integer
  • entryCount an integer


This action returns log settings.


This action returns outgoing log entries.

  • firstEntryIndex an integer
  • entryCount an integer


This action returns security log entries.

  • firstEntryIndex an integer
  • entryCount an integer


This action returns management settings of the router.


Same as routermanagement/GetManagementSettings, but with more information.


This action returns the remote management status of the router.


This action returns UPnP settings.


This action returns a list of external storage devices.


This action returns the hours that wireless access is permitted by parental controls.

Authorized requests


This action validates the password provided with the X-JNAP-Authorization.


This action instructs the router to reboot.


This action sets the router admin password, NOT the network password.

  • adminPassword a string set to the password
  • passwordHint a hint viewable by anyone connected to the network


This action sets properties for a specified device.

  • deviceID the device GUID assigned by the router
  • propertiesToModify an array of objects of properties to modify
    • name the property to modify. known values are: urn:cisco-com:ui:qos (QoS)
    • value the value to set the property
      • QoS
        • userPrioritized prioritizes the device over other devices


This action sets the interval at which to check for updates and whether to automatically check for updates.

  • autoUpdateWindow an object containing information on when to check for updates
    • durationMinutes interval at which to check for updates in minutes
    • startMinute
  • updatePolicy a string set to Manual or AutomaticallyCheckAndInstall


This action instructs the router to perform a firmware upgrade.


This action returns information about the guest network, such as if it's enabled, its SSID, and password.


This action sets the settings for the guest network.

  • isGuestNetworkEnabled a boolean that is set to true when the guest network will be enabled.
  • maxSimultaneousGuests an integer that is set to the maximum number of devices that are allowed to be connected to the guest network.
  • radios an array containing information about the network
    • broadcastGuestSSID a string containing the SSID for the guest network
    • guestPassword a string containing the guest password
    • guestSSID a string containing the guest SSID
    • isEnabled a boolean that is set to true when the guest network is enabled. only takes effect when isGuestNetworkEnabled is set to true
    • radioID a string containing the radio ID. can be obtained with guestnetwork/GetGuestRadioSettings


This action sets the time zone for the router.

  • autoAdjustForDST a boolean set to true when configured to automatically adjust for daylight savings time
  • timeZoneID the id for the time zone


This action sets the parental controls settings.

  • isParentalControlEnabled a boolean that is set to true when parental controls are enabled
  • rules an array of objects of rules
    • blockedURLs an array of blocked URLs
    • description a string with no meaning
    • isEnabled a boolean
    • macAddresses an array of affected MAC addresses
    • wanSchedule an object of days and restricted hours
      • sunday a 48-length string of restricted hours. every character in the string is either a 0 or a 1. 0 means restricted and 1 means allowed. the numbers are in 30-minute intervals. for example, a value of "0101..." would restrict access from 12am-12:30am and 1am-1:30am
      • monday same as sunday
      • tuesday same as sunday
      • wednesday same as sunday
      • thursday same as sunday
      • friday same as sunday
      • saturday same as sunday


This action enables or disables LEDs on the router.

  • isSwitchportLEDEnabled a boolean


This action enables or disables logging.

  • isLoggingEnabled a boolean


This action returns VLAN tagging profiles.


This action returns VLAN tagging settings.


This action returns information about the main network, such as its SSID and password.


Same as wirelessap/GetRadioInfo, but with more information.


Same as wirelessap/GetRadioInfo2, but with more information.


This action sets the SSID and password for the main networks.

  • bandSteeringMode a string set to the band steering mode
  • isBandSteeringEnabled a boolean set to true when band steering is enabled
  • radios an array of objects describing settings for different frequencies
    • radioID the ID of the frequency
    • settings an object containing the settings of the frequency
      • broadcastSSID a boolean set to false when the network is hidden
      • channel
      • channelWidth
      • isEnabled
      • mode
      • security a string set to the security protocol
      • ssid
      • wpaPersonalSettings an object containing the password
        • passphrase a string set to the password of the network