
Send rates from Metatrader 5 to Dot Net C# Application !

Primary LanguageC#

Forex-Rates-Viewer (Get Forex Rates from Metatrader 5 and log data to CSV file).

METATRADER 5 ---> HTTP POST ---> DOT NET C# --> CSV File in "\My Documents" folder

Send rates from Metatrader 5 to Dot Net C# Application !

In your Metatrader 5 platform, add "" in the list of URL that are authorized for Webrequests (in Options/Expert Consultants).

Compile the .MQ5 file in Metatrader 5 Metaeditor and attach it to a financial instrument (eg. EUR/USD).

Unzip the .Zip file and open the project in Visual Studio 2017, then run it with administrator privileges (because it is a HTTP server that needs to open the 9090 port for receiving data from Metatrader 5 through HTTP POST).

The Metatrader 5 platform will then call the URL "" on each tick, and will send all the forex rates to the C# HTTP Server.

In C#, you can then code any algorithm for real-time analysis of forex rates (and all other financial instruments).

If you need help of need me for a project, feel free to contact me at investdatasystems@yahoo.com.

