Video motion detection

Build instructions

git clone
cd video-motion-detection
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


./motion-detection [options]

Count the number of frames with motion w.r.t the first frame of the video.

Optional arguments:
-h --help               shows help message and exits [default: false]
-v --version            prints version information and exits [default: false]
-i --input              path of the input video [required]
-t --threshold          sets the threshold for motion detection [default: 0.6]
-w --workers            number of workers (0 for sequential) [default: 0]
-o --opencv-greyscale   use opencv greyscale [default: false]
-a --blur-algorithm     blur algorithms (H1, H2, H3, H4, BOX_BLUR, BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW, OPEN_CV) [default: "BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW"]
-p --player             shows the video player (ESC to exit) [default: false]
-b --benchmark          benchmark mode is enabled and appends the results with the specified name in results.csv
-i --iterations         benchmark mode is executed with the specified number of iterations [default: 1]
--verbose               verbose mode [default: false]


Run in sequential mode, with a threshold of 60% of difference, using the BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW algorithm.

./motion-detection -i video.mp4 -t 0.6 -w 0 -a BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW

Run in parallel mode with 16 workers, with a threshold of 60% of difference, using the BOX_BLUR algorithm.

./motion-detection -i video.mp4 -t 0.6 -w 16 -a BOX_BLUR

// ./MotionDetection -i input.mp4 -t 0.6 -w 0 -o -a BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW -p --verbose // ./MotionDetection -i input.mp4 -t 0.6 -a BOX_BLUR_MOVING_WINDOW -b test -i 16