
Starting project to try to deduplicate my news feed.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lint Code Base v4 Code style: black

A project to deduplicate my news feed.

For a long time I've added a lot of RSS feeds and now I've ended up with a lot of duplicate entries for big stories. With this project I aim to move duplicates to starred and mark them as read. This might change in the future if I find a better way to do it.

To run the code as a daemon under systemd you can do the following steps:

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp newsdedup.service.default ~/.config/systemd/user/newsdedup.service
systemctl --user enable newsdedup.service
systemctl --user start newsdedup.service

To watch the logs you can run:

journalctl -f --user-unit newsdedup

Unmark stared articles from the command-line with:

./unstar.py -b

List all feeds:



Some of the relevant API:s used in this project.