
Small utilities created by me

Primary LanguagePython


Small utilities created by me.


Convert one or multiple series of archives into an SVN repository.

Useful if you have some archive files (.tar.gz or similar) that represent, e.g., old versions of your code at different times.

Simply fill in the repository url and pattern list in the beginning of the file to match your needs and run the script. It will automatically build a list of all archives that match your pattern list and sort them by date (either given in the filename or by taking the modification date of the latest item in the archive). Each archive will appear as a new revision in the SVN repository with the commit date according to the archive date.


Convert given passwd and group file into an LDIF file that can be used to initialize an LDAP database with these values.

This is useful if you move your user authentication from NIS to LDAP.

It extracts uid, uidNumber, gidNumber, displayName, homeDirectory, and loginShell from the passwd file and writes an LDIF-entry with $variable replaced by these extracted values:

dn: cn=$displayName,ou=people,dc=sub,dc=domain,dc=de
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
displayName: $displayName
uidNumber: $uidNumber
loginShell: $loginShell
homeDirectory: $homeDirectory
cn: $displayName
gidNumber: $gidNumber
sn: $sn
givenName: $givenName
uid: $uid

$sn and $givenName are extracted from $displayName by splitting after the first white space.

Additionally, it extracts cn, gidNumber, and uids from the group file and creates LDIF-entries:

dn: cn=$cn,ou=groups,dc=sub,dc=domain,dc=de
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: $cn
gidNumber: $gidNumber
member: cn=...
member: cn=...

where the members are extracted from $uids and filled with the values derived from the passwd file.