This directory contains mythryl-mode, an Emacs major mode for the Mythryl programming language. Copyright (C) 2009 Phil Rand <> Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Michele Bini <> Current maintainer: Michele Bini <> Mythryl is a safe, functional programming language, derived by Cynbe ru Taren from SML/NJ, but featuring a clear, more programmer-friendly syntax. See for more. Usage ----- Activate mythryl-mode for an Emacs buffer: M-x mythryl-mode Execute an interactive Mythryl session: M-x run-mythryl Customize indentation and fontification of Mythryl code: M-x customize-group mythryl Installation ------------ To use this mode, install this file in your elisp load path; then insert the expression: (load "mythryl-mode") in your .emacs file. Other useful lines for your .emacs (to automatically activate mythryl-mode for .pkg .api and .mythryl files) ;; for .pkg and .api files (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.pkg$" . mythryl-mode) ("\\.api$" . mythryl-mode) ("\\.mythryl$" . mythryl-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) ;; for scripts starting with #!/.../mythryl (setq interpreter-mode-alist (append '(("mythryl" . mythryl-mode)) interpreter-mode-alist)) Alternatively, installation via a Debian package is possible on compatible Linux distributions (see repository below) Repositories ------------ You can find versions of mythryl-mode at the following locations: EmacsWiki: Debian package: History ------- Mythryl-mode was derived by Phil Rand from Stefan Monnier's sml-mode. After the tragic loss of the original author and maintainer Phil Rand in 2011 I (Michele) decided to enlist as a maintainer.