Docker Pulls Docker Layers Docker Version



This is a simple project to up the Revive AdServer quickly using docker.

Folder Structure

Folder Structure

  • app/ - Contains the Revive 3.2.2 source code
  • docker/ - Contains the same files based on docker-compose syntax to config how docker will execute the containers
  • mysql/ - Initially, it Is a empty folder that is mapped to the mysql container, when the mysql container is running it will write the files within this folder, so you do not lose the data when the container is removed
  • server/ - Contains a configuration file for nginx, this file is mapped to docker container to be read to nginx



1ª Step: Clone this project and access the project folder
git clone
cd docker-revive

2ª Step: Run docker stack
docker-compose up -d

3ª Step: Get the MySql IP from container
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' mysql

4ª Step: Access 'locahost:8080' on browser. Now should appear a screen with the Revive terms

5ª Step: Accept the terms. Now should display the database connection setup

6ª Step: Fill de fields with de database credentials. Example:

  • Database Name: (You choose a name)
  • username: root
  • password: root
  • hostname: (It is the IP that you get on 3ª Step)

7ª Step: Enjoy