The world's most 3D printable 3D printer. (Guinness Book of World Records 2017 & 2018)
- 1
STEP files
#56 opened by NicholasParry - 19
- 0
Slop Calibrator plug doesn't fit
#55 opened by sailor-vhs - 0
- 0
V3.1 vs V3.0
#53 opened by JustinPuthenkalam - 1
Material Recommendations
#52 opened by ulrichsc - 2
Make errors.
#49 opened by anastazya - 1
Power delivery questions
#50 opened by Ian-Korob - 0
Z Axis Lifer Rods Not Lining Up
#48 opened by bthayer3 - 2
Cura Settings
#47 opened by Pteppic1 - 3
Request: less vitamins,(with solution)
#44 opened by ManuGithubSteam - 10
Firmware help
#33 opened by shade1059 - 1
Would you like to share pycsg with me?
#46 opened by timeanddoctor - 1
- 0
- 4
Filament is escaping the extruder idler
#40 opened by ManuGithubSteam - 7
Can not get makefile to exicute
#43 opened by mlpage34 - 2
mk42 bed config
#30 opened by boelle - 3
- 1
Use TMC2208 with snappy?
#41 opened by ManuGithubSteam - 2
- 5
BUG: Adjustment Screws -> Z sled needs other dimensions as build platform
#36 opened by ManuGithubSteam - 26
- 2
Link for extruder Driver Gear
#24 opened by bjbeare - 8
V3.0 extruder link
#23 opened by thannemann - 3
- 2
BOM error? Rail Z Endcap
#27 opened by karlexceed - 3
Extruder quick-fit?
#10 opened by qwertystop - 2
- 1
- 4
Motor resize doesn't seem right...
#34 opened by NigelThorne - 2
Can't join lifter rods
#31 opened by brennancheung - 2
J head compatibility
#18 opened by AliAmjid - 1
- 29
I built one! Some issues to clear up
#15 opened by mw0uzo - 0
You need a better website
#19 opened by MH15 - 1
- 4
Z Axis Issue
#14 opened by franzflasch - 6
- 1
firmware issue?
#16 opened by xyzprints - 1
BOM for 2.0
#13 opened by bigmt - 1
BOM - drive Gears
#12 opened by Bezalja - 2
Scale model?
#7 opened by jpvlsmv - 10
J-head compatible
#8 opened by farfadet46 - 2
ACME threaded rod - metric unitrs
#9 opened by NixonMroq - 24
Documentation missing parts sizes
#2 opened by ArktekniK - 2
In addition to Issue #3
#5 opened by Salandora - 3
- 2
BOM missing z-screw?
#1 opened by andrewcaustralia - 2