
Starter iOS and macOS code for Swift–JavaScript communication through WebKit

Primary LanguageSwift


Starter iOS and macOS code for Swift–JavaScript communication through WebKit

Under heavy development.

Possible better print JS.function concept: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11279959/1234120 v2: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63652542/1234120

Note: Parse JavaScript code and stringify all functions as such:

function getAllFunctions() { 
  var allfunctions=[];
  for (var i in window) {
    if((typeof window[i]).toString()=="function" && window[i].toString().indexOf("native")==-1) {
} getAllFunctions();

// jsFiddle demo: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11279639/1234120
// A simplified alternative: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34912116/1234120