
NOTICE: Eclipse 2023-06 Requires jdk 17 for many parts

Closed this issue · 7 comments

unless Eclipse actually fixed issues present with mockito which is possible with 2023-06, I'd like to propose we stay where we are for a while. Jdk 17 is now required on many of the components which is making it too restrictive to use and cutting too much of our community out. I think we should wait until early 2024 before we force jdk 17 on our users.

Whenever you say Eclipse has outstanding issues relevant to an issue here, I think it would be helpful if you provided a reference, so that others can follow, or at least understand, what you're referring to.

I think we should wait until early 2024 before we force jdk 17 on our users.

Given that it would merely be a build requirement, users can just change their build JDK and use -release (maven.compiler.release) for their own projects. They can also just choose to use the older releases of this plugin. We could bump the major version here to make that delineation more clear. I think it wouldn't be so bad if we did that prior to 2024. We could still do bugfix releases on the current major version if it were necessary.

Well, I'm fine with holding back, I guess. As long as formatting is working, we don't really need to do any new releases. The main reason we need to release is to get formatting support for newer Java versions, though. The current formatter supports formatting Java 17 code, so that's fine. We can see what demand there is for formatting code newer than that, and what support Eclipse has or doesn't have for that.

As for the Eclipse issues... I'm still not sure I understand what specifically is broken. Your phrasing on the linked issue did not describe the issue very clearly. Is this just a "some tabs aren't converted to spaces" bug? Or is it more than that?

The issue is due to usage of static import on mockito 'when'. The "Handle 'when' clause in switch pattern expressions" eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.core@ebc978e that I noted earlier is the issue. I do not know if they fixed it but any fix requires we move to jdk 17. So it would be best to drop back actually.

Issue with formatter is reported but not fixed eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.core#609

A number of other recent issues are also on their board.

closing as we will require java 17 now.