Welcome to the realm of the elves, where you can learn how to solve CTF-style ELF crackmes with Angr binary analysis toolkit.
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According to the official documentation, Angr is a
user-friendly binary analysis suite, allowing a user to simply start up iPython and easily perform intensive binary analyses with a couple of commands.
Its capabilities are very exciting: symbolic execution, automatic ROP chain building, automatic exploit generation. The number and variety of examples, and the amount of documentation is impressive. Installation is straight-forward on both Windows and Linux, so we can quickly get started with real projects. A lot of work has been put into this framework. Kudos to the phe people behind, the security researchers from Computer Security Lab at UC Santa Barbara with a long tradition of winning CTFs.
- CTF challenge that expects a 10 characters flag to be provided from standard inputangr_solver.py
- Solver script using Angr