- 3
Compatibility Question
#543 opened by jax8158 - 1
Dark mode / Dark LED mode
#547 opened by Hellslicer - 0
- 20
- 20
[BUG] Some sensors are missing since <ebf3c2b> in HA (missing discovery topics)
#542 opened by con0aks - 2
[BUG] System is offline.
#537 opened by TechnicGuy1 - 4
[FEATURE] MQTT - Add hostname to state topic
#521 opened by tobelix87 - 2
[FEATURE] Set static ip ?
#534 opened by Buster14 - 1
[FEATURE] add govee 5075 to ble sensor
#533 opened by Idaho947 - 15
- 8
Need help for connection
#515 opened by Idaho947 - 8
[BUG] ESP32C3 SuperMini build error
#527 opened by yqkee0411 - 1
Additional sensors on Faikin
#528 opened by Ulf349 - 5
- 11
[BUG] FTXC35DV1B can read data but cannot send
#516 opened by aizerin - 6
[BUG] Thermostat auto mode is not working fine
#512 opened by ayasystems - 15
- 3
- 4
[Question] Unresponsive faikin board
#511 opened by sywesk - 2
- 10
- 1
[BUG] Comp & fan speed gone in HA since last update
#505 opened by Utopia69 - 2
[FEATURE] MQTT reboot command
#503 opened by ayasystems - 2
[FEATURE] Allow to change header device name
#504 opened by ayasystems - 3
[FEATURE] Expose Dark mode
#498 opened by Hellslicer - 2
[FEATURE] Stylish Visor Control
#462 opened by Zappelphilipp - 7
Anohter No voltage case on S21 header of FTX60GV1B
#454 opened by yiannosi - 18
[BUG] Fan settings disappeared in HA
#479 opened by eupesco - 4
[FEATURE] Add an option to control LED on Faikin auto mode based on HVAC action
#482 opened by Hellslicer - 2
[BUG] HVACAction IDLE not reported to home assistant
#484 opened by MUN0X - 2
[BUG] Issue OTA update with Beta switch on
#485 opened by urbozz - 3
[Question] Check model S3 working or not.
#472 opened by hoangtridung - 3
AC powering up by itself at night
#471 opened by Cees-tech - 33
Connect to mqtt broker with certificate
#466 opened by jmsucasas - 1
[BUG] Can no longer control FTX15NMVJU
#473 opened by dodgeboy - 26
[BUG] 'Powerful' mode doesn't turn on
#441 opened by Sonic-Amiga - 2
- 2
- 8
- 32
No voltage on PIN4
#434 opened by Take-Off90 - 8
Faikin MQTT command/ACGuest/mode switches AC on
#458 opened by ettom1710 - 2
[BUG] Intermittent disconnection; LWT
#461 opened by sjhilton1978 - 9
[FEATURE] manual setup of url (or dns suffix)
#451 opened by thib3113 - 2
[BUG] Cant connect to wifi
#459 opened by Zappelphilipp - 2
How to open the web config page?
#456 opened by MarkoSchweizer - 3
[FEATURE] proxy settings
#452 opened by thib3113 - 3
[BUG] Gpio to GND without rezistor?
#449 opened by iulianhlc - 10
[FEATURE] Expose more switches to HA
#431 opened by syphernl - 14
- 17
[BUG] MQTT topic names changed new version
#436 opened by klausj1