- Francesco de Gasperin
- David Rafferty
- Henrik Edler
- Maaijke Mevius
- Jose Sabater Montes
- Martin Hardcastle
- Andreas Horneffer
- and the LOFAR Survey Key Science Project
- If you use LoSoTo for your data reduction, please cite: de Gasperin et al. 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 622, id.A5 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019A&A...622A...5D/abstract)
- Install latest official release of LoSoTo from PyPI:
pip install --upgrade losoto
- Or, install latest development version of LoSoTo from GitHub:
pip install --upgrade --user https://github.com/revoltek/losoto/archive/master.zip
- Or clone the LoSoTo repository from https://github.com/revoltek/losoto, and install LoSoTo using:
python setup.py install --prefix=~/mydir/
- Prepare a
file, which can be based on the fileparset/losoto2.parset
- In case of problems write to Francesco de Gasperin: astro@voo.it
This is an external project maintained by Frits Sweijen: https://github.com/tikk3r/lofar-h5plot
- Documentation of LoSoTo API is at: http://revoltek.github.io/losoto/losoto.html
- A detailed explanation of all the parameters is at: http://revoltek.github.io/losoto/losoto.operations.html
- A few important articles/how-to are on the github wiki: https://github.com/revoltek/losoto/wiki
- bin/: the losoto executable and some manipulators for H5parms
- docs/: documentation
- examples/: some examples h5parm to use with validation/test parsets
- losoto/operations/: contains all the modules for operations
- parsets/: some examples parsets
- tools/: contains some external tools
- Python 3
- PyTables version: >3.4.0
- HDF5 version: >1.8.4
- NumPy version: >1.9.0
- Scipy >1.4 (for interpolatedirections)