
A dataware house is generated for streaming data of a superstore using extended mesh join by Syed Husnain Haider Bukhari

Primary LanguageJava

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					|    Follow the steps below to sucessfully execute the project:        |

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1-> Run createDW.sql file in MySql workbench it will create a warehouse.				    \
2-> Now Open eclipse IDE.
3-> Click on file,open project from file system and then select the this folder using the directory option.
4-> Click on Finish and the project will get loaded into eclipse.
5-> Right click on the project name,Build path , configure build path.
6-> Select libraries and click on class path , then click on add external JARs.
7-> Select all files in the folder of jars in this zip.
8-> Click on apply and finish.
9-> Search for main.java in the src inside the project.
10-> Run the file.
11-> Click on the console, and firstly enter dbms username and password, and then add schema name for masterdata and transaction data in MYSQL workbench.
12-> Press Enter and wait until stream ended along with the count is printed on the terminal.
13-> Data Warehouse using extended meshjoin has been create sucessfully.

11-> You can check the OLAP queries in queriesDW.sql file.