Note: For the screenshots, you can store all of your answer images in the answer-img directory.

Verify the monitoring installation

TODO: run kubectl command to show the running pods and services for the three components. Copy and paste the output or take a screenshot of the output and include it here to verify the installation

Setup the Jaeger and Prometheus source

TODO: Expose Grafana to the internet and then setup Prometheus as a data source. Provide a screenshot of the home page after logging into Grafana.

Create a Basic Dashboard

TODO: Create a dashboard in Grafana that shows Prometheus as a source. Take a screenshot and include it here.

Describe SLO/SLI

TODO: Describe, in your own words, what the SLIs are, based on an SLO of monthly uptime and request response time.

Creating SLI metrics.

TODO: It is important to know why we want to measure certain metrics for our customer. Describe in detail 5 metrics to measure these SLIs.

Create a Dashboard to measure our SLIs

TODO: Create a dashboard to measure the uptime of the frontend and backend service as well as the Redis deployment. We will also want to measure to measure 40x and 50x errors. Create a dashboard that show these values over a 24 hour period and take a screenshot.

Tracing our Flask App

TODO: We will create a Jaeger span to measure the processes on the backend. Once you fill in the span, provide a screenshot of it here.

Jaeger in Dashboards

TODO: Now that the trace is running, let's add the metric to our current Grafana dashboard. Once this is completed, provide a screenshot of it here.

Report Error

TODO: Using the template below, write a trouble ticket for the developers, to explain the errors that you are seeing (400, 500, latency) and to let them know the file that is causing the issue.





Affected Area:



Creating SLIs and SLOs

TODO: We want to create an SLO guaranteeing that our application has a 99.95% uptime per month. Name three SLIs that you would use to measure the success of this SLO.

Building KPIs for our plan

TODO: Now that we have our SLIs and SLOs, create KPIs to accurately measure these metrics. We will make a dashboard for this, but first write them down here.

Final Dashboard

TODO: Create a Dashboard containing graphs that capture all the metrics of your KPIs and adequately representing your SLIs and SLOs. Include a screenshot of the dashboard here, and write a text description of what graphs are represented in the dashboard.