
Ansible role and sample playbook to deploy ArangoDB Operator in a Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT



  • Ansible role to deploy ArangoDB Operator in Kubernetes.
  • Multiple operators can be deployed in multiple namespaces. Default namespace is: arangodb
  • Multiple ArangoDB clusters can be deployed by an operator.


  • Downloads manifests from desired release
  • Applies user default patches, overriding defaults in original manifests
  • Loads resulting manifests in Kubernetes:
    • default: by connecting to the master K8S node via ssh
    • alternatively: provinding local kubernetes config, by setting kubeconfig_file_path
  • Instruct operator to deploy cluster(s) and optionally local storages


  • Kustomize - will be automatically downloaded in project bin/ directory
  • Pip3 packages: see requirements.pip - automatically installed in preflight
  • Developed and tested with ansible 2.8, may work with lower/higher versions


  1. Set up your ansible inventory with appropriate hosts and SSH keys:

    • To run remotely:
      • Set your ansible_host in sample-inventory/host_vars/master to point to your kubernetes master
      • Set up your ssh key for authentication to the master
    • To run locally:
  2. Set your cluster and deployments options in a vars file (See sample-vars.yml)

  3. Run the playbook:

    ANSIBLE_CONFIG=sample-ansible.cfg \
    ansible playbook \
        --inventory sample-inventory \
        sample-playbook.yml \
        --extra-vars "@sample-vars.yml"`
    • To skip preflight and speed up a bit, add --skip-tags preflight


ArangoDB Backup & Restore

  • 3 types of backups:
    • Physical (raw or “cold”) backups - can be done when the ArangoDB Server is not running
    • Logical backups - arangodump & arangorestore
    • Hot backups - Arangobackup & Hot Backup API - Enterprise Edition only
  • Ref: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/backup-restore.html
  • Will explain more about the Logical backups method in the following sections


  • By using arangodump, this can be done manually or in a kubernetes CronJob as in the example below
    apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
    kind: CronJob
      labels: {}
      name: "arangodb-backup"
      namespace: <namespace>
      schedule: 0 0 * * *
              - name: arangodb-backup
                image: arangodb:<image_tag>
                - /bin/sh
                - -c
                - |-
                  arangodump \
                    --server.endpoint "http+tcp://<cluster-exporter-service-name>.<namespace>:8529" \
                    --server.database "<database_name>" \
                    --server.username $DB_USERNAME --server.password $DB_PASSWORD \
                    --output-directory "/backups/<database_name>-`date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`" && \
                  find /backups/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +7 -type d -exec rm -fvr {} \;
                - name: DB_USERNAME
                      key: username
                      name: <arangodb-cluster-root-password-secret>
                - name: DB_PASSWORD
                      key: password
                      name: <arangodb-cluster-root-password-secret>
                - mountPath: /backups
                  name: arangodb-backup-pv
              - name: arangodb-backup-pv
                  claimName: arangodb-backup-pvc
    • A persistent volume (arangodb-backup-pv) and a persistent volume claim (arangodb-backup-pvc) should be created for this to work
  • This CronJob will perform a daily backup and cleanup, leaving the backups from the last 7 days.
  • More details about backup: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/programs-arangodump-examples.html


  • Restoring a database can be done using arangorestore as in the following example:
    arangorestore \
      --server.endpoint "http+tcp://<cluster-exporter-service-name>.<namespace>:8529" \
      --server.database <database_name> \
      --create-database true \
      --server.username <username> \
      --server.password <password> \
      --input-directory <backup_dir_path>
  • More details about restore: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/programs-arangorestore-examples.html

Variables and parameters

Variable Default Description
kustomize_version 3.5.5 Kustomize version to download an use. Kustomize is used locally, even though there is one in the system.
arangodb_operator_version 1.0.2 ArangoDB Operator version (do not put 'v' in front)
arangodb_operator_namespace arangodb Operator namespace
arangodb_operator_manifests [arango-crd.yaml, arango-deployment.yaml, arango-backup.yaml] List of Kubernetes manifests to download from the operator repo. This should not change normally.
arangodb_operator_manifest_local_storage arango-storage.yaml Optional operator local storage manifest. Set to empty to not download it and not use local storage. If empty, arangodb_local_storages will be ignored
arangodb_operator_manifest_replication arango-deployment-replication.yaml Optional operator for DC2DC replciation. Set to empty to not download and not use replication
kustomizations.patchesStrategicMerge [] List of objects to locate and patch default kubernetes objects in the download manifests. You must specify apiVersion, kind and metadata.name. See: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/docs/plugins/builtins.md#patchesstrategicmerge
kustomizations.patches [] List of PatchTransformer objects You must specify kind and name. See: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/docs/plugins/builtins.md#patchtransformer
arangodb_local_storages [] Optional list of ArangoLocalStorage. See https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/deployment-kubernetes-storage-resource.html
arangodb_clusters [] List of ArangoDeployment objects - actual ArangoDB cluster definition. See https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/deployment-kubernetes-deployment-resource.html
kubeconfig_file_path Optional path to Kubernetes admin config file (on the master node is located at /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf). Setting this will not use SSH connection to master, instead try to access the Kubernetes API directly.
kubernetes_operation_retries 20 How many times to retry uploading/waiting for a kubernetes manifest before giving up. Some resources, like Deployments may take longer to be ready.
kubernetes_operation_delay 10 Interval in seconds to retry
kubernetes_ignore_errors yes Set to 'no' to fail fast at the first encountered error when trying to create objects in kubernetes
