Datapack for Travis's project

© 2019 Revon Zev. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.

Mob Powers

TAG: power.mobPowerName

  • Creeper.

    • When the player shifts make a creeper noise
    • After the player holds shift for 3 seconds nearby players get damaged
      • 3 Heart if in 2 blocks
      • 2 Heart if in 2 to 2.5 blocks
      • 1 Heart if in 2.5 to 3 blocks
      • Animated
      • have an explosion particle and sound
  • Skeleton

    • Spawns with a bow
    • Starts with a arrow and gains one every 5 seconds
      • Only one arrow in the inventory
  • Blaze

    • Can double jump
      • Smoke particle below their feet when jumping
    • Immune to fire damage
  • Villager

    • Healing items heal +2 hearts more
    • Emerald grants strength for 9 seconds
      • While this ability is active the villager has a blood particle trail
  • Zombie

    • When the player shifts make a zombie noise
    • Holding shift heals half a heart every two second
      • Whenever the player heals using this ability particles spawn around them
  • Pigman

    • Spawns with the Golden Sword powerup
    • Has 1 extra max health
  • Cave Spider

    • Has permanent jump boost
    • When the player shifts make a spider noise
    • After the player holds shift for 4 seconds nearby players get poisoned
      • have a dark green particle in the poision radius
  • Guardian

    • The less health the guardian has the more strength it gets
      • 5 hearts or less strength
      • 5 hearts or less resistance
      • 3 hearts or less strength 2
      • 3 hearts or less resistance 2
      • 1 heart strength 3
      • 1 heart resistance 3

Power Ups

Power ups... a random powerup spawns once every 12 seconds above powerup alters Power up have rainbow particles around them when they are on the alters

  • Apple

    • Apon pickup the player heals 1 heart
    • Summon a green particle where the player is standing
    • Play a eating sound
  • Golden Apple

    • Apon pickup the player heals 3 heart
    • Summon a magenta particle where the player is standing
    • Play a eating sound
  • Carrot

    • Apon pickup the player gains jump boost 2
    • Summon a green particle where the player is standing
    • Play a eating sound
  • Emerald

    • Useless item unless you are using the villager character
    • Summon a green particle where the player is standing apon pickup
    • Play a noteblock sound on pickup
  • Snowball

    • Throwable item
    • While thrown the snowball has a white particle trail
    • Gives players hit slowness 2
  • Egg

    • Throwable item
    • Gives a random potion effect to any players hit
    • While thrown the egg has a egg colored particle trail
  • Golden Sword

    • Punch to shoot whither heads
    • Wither heads have a dark gray particle trail
    • After 8 seconds the Golden Sword is removed from the players inventory
  • Iron Axe

    • The player gains strength while holding
    • The player will have a blood particle trail behind them while holding the axe
    • After 8 seconds the iron axe is removed from the players inventory
  • Crossbow

    • Apon pickup the player receives 9 arrows
    • After 8 seconds the crossbow / arrows are removed from the players inventory