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Dockerized - Medusa Server Stack with PostgreSQL, Minio, MeiliSearch, and Stripe Payment Gateway

A dockerized version of Medusa Server Stack with Traefik, PostgreSQL, Minio, MeiliSearch, and Stripe Payment Gateway.

This repository contains the necessary files to deploy a complete dockerized Medusa server stack with PostgreSQL, Minio, MeiliSearch, and Stripe Payment Gateway. This stack have been tested in a 6$/Mo Digital Ocean's droplet (referal) with 1GB RAM and 25GB storage space.

The stack is deployed using Docker Compose, which makes it easy to deploy and manage. The stack also includes Traefik as a reverse proxy to handle HTTPS and load balancing.


Stack Components

The Medusa server stack consists of the following components:

  • Traefik + Dashboard: A popular reverse proxy and load balancer.
  • PostgreSQL: A powerful and open-source relational database system.
  • Minio: An open-source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.
  • MeiliSearch: A fast and easy-to-use search engine.
  • Stripe Payment Gateway: A payment gateway that allows you to accept payments securely and easily.


To deploy the Medusa server stack on your VPS, follow these steps:

Clone the repository to your VPS.

git clone git@github.com:beakman/medusa-stack-dockerized.git

Navigate to the medusa-stack-dockerized directory.

cd medusa-stack-dockerized

Create a .env file from the .env.example file and set your environment variables.

cp .env.example .env
vim .env

Environment variables

  • MEDUSA_DOMAIN=example.com
  • MINIO_DOMAIN=minio.example.com
  • MINIO_CONSOLE_DOMAIN=minio-console.example.com
  • MEILI_DOMAIN=search.example.com
  • TRAEFIK_DOMAIN=traefik.example.com
  • EMAIL=user@example.com
  • CERT_RESOLVER=letsencrypt
  • TRAEFIK_PASSWORD_HASH= user and password, hashed using MD5, SHA1, or BCrypt

Refer to https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens to get your CloudFlare tokens.

Start the stack.

sh start.sh

This command will start all the services in the stack in the background.

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