Pinned issues
- 2
- 6
Get tag UID before Write action
#693 opened by cavasinf - 0
Inconsistent Length Byte in NDEF Text Messages on iOS
#755 opened by zataara - 10
Update dependency version for @expo/config-plugins
#695 opened by lawnguyen - 5
Ndef not writing the empty tag in android only
#709 opened by Nardeep - 4
- 0
"Cancelled" payload of exception is lost
#754 opened by raydenvoldeskine - 0
android: property "compileSdkVersion" cannot be found or does not have a numeric value.
#753 opened by giovanni-caiazzo - 0
- 6
- 0
React Native New Architecture Support
#750 opened by jorgemartiinez - 4
Session sometimes closes itself
#721 opened by pke - 2
- 2
- 6
- 2
Minimal example provided in documentation works on IOS but does not detect tag on Android
#747 opened by kitkline - 0
Android 14 (API level 34) Support - cannot find symbol nfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessage(msgToPush, currentActivity);
#748 opened by marconioliveira - 5
When scanning, AppState becomes background
#745 opened by valery-lavrik - 4
- 2
Custom hook to check NFC support
#723 opened by giuliobracci - 3
How to read Citizen ID Card?
#727 opened by Nam-Anh-99 - 2
- 3
how to read data returned from transceive ?
#705 opened by nickticket2u - 2
Android Indicator
#741 opened by jigar-parmar-13 - 0
setAlertMessageIOS not always setting the correct message
#744 opened by pke - 0
Timeout Occurs When Writing NDEF Well-Known Text to Smart Card Using react-native-nfc-manager
#743 opened by omeryildiz - 3
How to read multiple Mifare cards (not NDEF) on iOS?
#713 opened by dcanora - 0
NFC card simulator
#742 opened by primesay - 4
- 2
Reset/Power-off cards
#718 opened by pke - 2
- 2
While scanning multiple NFC tags in iOS, how can a react native app know when the scan completes?
#712 opened by nandrew132 - 2
- 2
Credit/Debit Card reading?
#707 opened by champ3oy - 2
How to scan multiple NFC chips at once?
#706 opened by sarisssa - 3
- 0
- 6
Very poor documentation
#686 opened by LPitonakova - 2
crash in android using NfcManager.isEnabled()
#700 opened by jgalianoz - 2
Problem with iso15693_readMultipleBlocks command
#697 opened by dosser66 - 2
NFC device to device
#696 opened by theobouwman - 2
- 2
NFC not working on IOS after clicking to quickly
#694 opened by alx-calcio - 2
Add ability to to selecting PollingOption on IOS
#691 opened by e-fadil - 3
tag.ndefMessage is undefined
#688 opened by mickytroxxy - 2
How to add password protection to NTAG216
#687 opened by suraj740 - 1
- 2
Unable to write
#692 opened by kamatil-dev - 0
- 0