
Anthony Comtois' Portfolio and Blog

Primary LanguageCSS

Anthony Comtois' Portfolio and Blog

This blog is using Hugo.

Hugo installation

Download hugo

wget https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v0.115.4/hugo_0.115.4_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
tar xzf hugo_0.115.4_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
sudo cp hugo /usr/local/bin/hugo

Starting development server

hugo server -t toha -w --bind
hugo server -t toha -w --bind -b

Add new blog post

  1. use source branch
  2. make changes, commit an push git push origin source
  3. github actions will generate website and commit in master branch
  4. website will be available on https://rewiko.github.io/

Tutorial github pages
