
Android Toolchain Manifest

intersectRedstar "Mjǫlnir" Android Toolchain


This project aims to build an optimized toolchain for compiling the Android kernel.

It will be specifically targeted for the Google Nexus One (HTC Passion) and more specifically towards the Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8x50 SoC / ARMv7 Scorpion CPU.

That being said, it should be generally applicable to other ARM Cortex-Ax based SoCs (A8,A9...etc) as well.

Important: Please Read

At the moment, this project/(toolchain) is considered HIGHLY experimental and is in no way a finished product. Documentation is incomplete and needs to be updated, please exercise caution in following any instructions you find here.

Getting Started

To get started with contributing to the "Mjǫlnir" toolchain or building your own copy, you'll first need to get familiar with Git and Repo.

To initialize your local repository using the build tree, use a command like this:

mkdir awesomeness
cd awesomeness
repo init -u git://github.com/redstar3894/Manifest.git

Then to sync up:

repo sync

Documentation and Organization

Further documentation will be upcoming and will be added to each respective project's wiki page on github as time permits.

Current Development Focus

GCC 4.6 Series

Current Project Maintainers:

Patrick J. Blair (@redstar3894) - (GCC, Sysroot, Build Dependencies)

Raymond Jay Golo (@intersectRaven) - (Binutils, Build System, Build Dependencies)