VLC-1.2.0-git is on the road! Any questions please contact tewilove@gmail.com, or leave a message to http://myloli.cc. Requirements: 1. NDK-r5c 2. ruby-1.9.2 Notice for Cygwin users: If you git clone the source in a Cygwin shell, build process should be fine. If you download the archive, you have to overwrite the same named files from jni/ext/libass/libass to jni/ext/libass/include since they are symbol links. Build steps: 1. Edit local.properties to fit your environment. 2. Run build.sh. Build examples: ./build.sh # <-- this will build for cortex-a8 with neon by default. ./build.sh ABI=armeabi # <-- this will build for arm1136j-s with softfp. ./build.sh ABI=armeabi-v7a FPU=vfpv3-d16 TUNE=cortex-a9 # <-- Xoom NDK issues: Known not building on NDK-r5b and before unless LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES bug is fixed. Branches: master contains the minium player source. message-player is built on top of master with acfun/bilibili/* support.