
Primary LanguageShell

rexarski's Toolbox

🖥️ macOS Setup

New machine setup checklist

  • Set up iCloud account.
  • Install 1Password.
  • Install Google Drive, Dropbox, Maestral. Sync.
  • Install Karabiner-Elements.
  • Install iTerm 2. Install Homebrew.
  • Change computer and host name:
    • sudo scutil --set ComputerName "newname"
    • sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "newname"
    • sudo scutil --set HostName "newname"
  • Stop Time Machine local snapshots.
  • Create a global gitignore file at ~/.gitignore.
    • See this one as an example.
    • git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
  • Generate and add SSH key to GitHub account.
  • Turn off the iCloud sync of Photos before library migration.
  • Turn off the Spotlight.
  • Turn on the Night Shift in System Preferences - Display, set the schedule to Custom (6 pm to 6 am).
  • Turn off the auto boot feature.
    • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00
    • Turn it back on by sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03 or use nvram -p to check the current value.
  • Generate and add SSH key to GitHub account.
    • As GitHub stopped supporting users from using account passwords for authenticated Git operations. We need to do the following set up:
      • Generate an SSH key on the new device as no SSH keys exist inside .ssh

        • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C “email@example.com”
        • Enter the path with filename /Users/myname/.ssh/id_ed25519_github after the prompt
        • Enter a passphrase (optional), then id_ed25519_github and id_ed25519_github.pub will appear
      • Add the SSH key to ssh-agent

        • Start the ssh-agent by exec ssh-agent zsh

        • Add newly created SSH private key to the ssh-agent by ssh-add —apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github

        • Create a config file touch ~/.ssh/config with:

        • Host *
            AddKeysToAgent yes
            UseKeychain yes
            IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github
      • Add the SSH key to GitHub account

        • pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github.pub
        • On GitHub, Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key
      • Additionally, inside .git/config, use SSH url instead of HTTPS url.

  • Install essential applications in the following list.
A list of applications installed and/or frequently used on my device.

🎫: requires a license
🔁: requires a recurring subscription
: downloaded from App Store

🛠 System Extension

  • AlDente. A macOS charging limit tool. 🎫
  • Amphetamine. The tool that keeps the machine awake for infinity. A true heir of Caffeine. 
    • Cmd + Shift + A: turn on/off
  • BetterDisplay. Display customization tool. From the same developer of Monitor Control. 🎫
  • Ice. Bartender alternative.
  • Karabiner Elements. Key mapping customizer.
  • Logi Options+. Customize Logitech peripherals.
  • Moom. macOS window organizer, with more in-depth customizations than Rectangle. 🎫
    • Cmd + Option + M: toggle Moom keyboard control.
  • Quitter, automatically hides or quits apps after inactivity.
  • Raycast. Extendable launcher substitute to Spotlight, with an extension store.
    • Option + Space: Activate Raycast.
  • Rocket. Emoji launcher with one-key shortcut. 🎫
    • Use : to trigger the app.
  • KeyCastr. Open source keystroke visualizer.
    • Hyper + K: Toggle capturing
  • Alfred. The Spotlight before Spotlight, the king of my macOS productivity. Powerpack purchased. 🎫
    • Option + Space: Activate Aflred search bar.
  • coconutBattery. Battery reading.

📁 File Management

  • Android File Transfer
  • DaisyDisk. Analyzing disk usage with a wind rose diagram. 
  • DEVONthink 3. Organize async files, as the counterpart of my cloud storage. 🎫
  • Maestral. Open source Dropbox client, simpler, smaller, less memory needed.
  • Gemini. Duplicate finder. 🎫
  • iMazing 2. iOS device management. Single device allowed. 🎫
  • SynologyAssistant.
  • TimeMachineEditor. Manually control Time Machine backup schedule.
    • brew install --cask timemachineeditor
  • Transmit. File transfer between macOS and servers. 🎫
  • upic. A native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS.

🔐 Security and Encryption

  • 1Password. THE password manager for the last decade. Requires yearly subscription. 🔁
    • Cmd + Option + P: Open 1Password

🌏 Internet

  • 1Blocker. Content blocker on Safari. 
  • Arc.
  • Firefox.
    • Follow this blog post to remove tab bar for a more focused, vertical-tabbed experience.
  • Safari
    • In Safari, go to Preferences - Advanced, turn on "Show Develop menu in menu bar".
  • Hush. Content blocker for Safari. 
  • Keepa. Amazon price tracker. 
  • RSSHub Radar. Discover RSS feeds from current website. 

🧰 Utilities

  • Applite, user-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks.
  • balenaEtcher. Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
  • Blink. Home security camera app. 
  • Dark Noise. White noise app. 
  • Keka. File archiver.
  • Latest. Checks applications' latest update on macOS.
  • mac-cleanup-py clean up script for macos.
  • Numi. Calculator with freedom. 🎫
  • OpenCat. Native GPT interactions. 
  • Parcel. Track your packages. 
  • PCalc. Calculator app on macOS. 
  • QLMarkdown. macOS Quick Look extension for markdown files.
    • brew install --cask qlmarkdown
  • RIME | 中州韵输入法. "Rime Input Method Engine, rimes with your keystrokes."
  • SD Card Formatter.
  • Shottr. Great substitute to CleanShot X.
    • Cmd + Shift + 3 = Shottr area screenshot
    • Cmd + Shift + 4 = Shottr active window screenshot
    • Cmd + Shift + 5 = Shottr fullscreen screenshot
  • Maccy. Open source clipboard management.

📝 Logging

  • Day One. My daily journal app. 🔁
  • Drafts. One-in-all text/draft app. 🔁
    • Cmd + Shift + 1 = Drafts main window
    • Cmd + Shift + 2 = Drafts quick entry
  • Marked 2. Markdown preview built from a while ago. It's not that useful any more. 🎫
  • MiaoYan 妙言. Lightweight Markdown app.
  • Obsidian. Second brain/digital garden/Zettelkasten. Use Dropbox to sync settings and vaults.
  • texifier. LaTeX editor. 🎫
  • Buckets. Private family budgeting app.
  • Mactracker. Information of all Apple devices. I switched to writing down everything on a Note. 

👨🏻‍💻 Development

  • Anaconda. Data science resource management for Python (mainly) and R (not really.)
  • bun. A modern JS runtime.
    • curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
  • GitHub Desktop. Easy-to-use Git GUI.
  • Homebrew. THE package manager for macOS.
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  • iTerm 2. Terminal, but better than Terminal.
    • Snazzy theme: (curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sindresorhus/iterm2-snazzy/main/Snazzy.itermcolors > /tmp/Snazzy.itermcolors && open /tmp/Snazzy.itermcolors)
    • fish. The friendly interactive shell.
      • Follow this gist to set fish as default
  • LM Studio. A tool to run local LLMs.
  • OrbStack, a light-weight Docker and Linux runtime management.
  • Ollama, a tool for running LLM locally.
  • Vim. The editor.
  • Visual Studio Code. Code editor.
  • Processing. Generative art playground.
  • julia
    • brew install --cask julia
  • R. THE statistical programming language.
  • RStudio. Open source IDE for R language.
  • Quarto. An open source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
    • brew install --cask quarto
  • MacTeX. LaTeX distribution for macOS.
    • brew install --cask mactex
    • Follow this blog to set up.
    • Restart the machine to resolve the path issue.
  • Xcode. 

⌘ CLI tools

I'm not a huge command-line user but I do have some tools I'm relatively familiar with.

The installation could be error-prone as the name of the package sometimes deviates from formula name on Homebrew.

Package Formula Command Description
asciinema asciinema asciinema Record and share terminal sessions.
bat bat bat A cat clone with wings.
exa exa exa A modern replacement for ls.
exiftool exiftool exiftool Read/write meta information of files.
fzf fzf fzf A command-line fuzzy finder.
neofetch neofetch neofetch A command-line system information tool.
neovim neovim nvim Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.
procs procs procs A modern replacement for ps.
rip rm-improved rip A command-line tool for ripping audio CDs.
scc scc scc Count lines of code quickly.
tldr tldr tldr Simplified and community-driven man pages.
tre tre-command tre A recursive directory listing command better than tree.
tmux tmux tmux Terminal multiplexer.
vim vim vim
btop btop btop A monitor of resources
fx fx fx A command-line JSON processing tool.

Or directly call the following command:

brew install asciinema scc exa tldr bat exiftool fzf procs rm-improved tre-command neofetch vim neovim tmux btop fx

📷 Creative

📮 Information

📆 Schedule

  • Due. Aggressive reminder app. 🔁.
  • Fantastical. A calendar and todo list app with great NLP input support. 🎫
    • Cmd + Option + F: create new event/reminder
  • Things 3. The best GTD from my perspective.  Ctrl + Space: quick entry.
  • Cardhop. 🎫
  • Itsycal for Mac. A menubar calendar.

💬 Messaging

🎮 Entertainment

🎑 Screensaver

🔠 Font selections