
Simple Ethereum Faucet

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Faucet Usage


Use Node v11.14.0 sudo npm install

To start faucet

  1. Login to console.cloud.google.com
  2. Start faucet VM
  3. cd faucet
  4. npm start

Faucet API

Send Eths http://ropstenfaucet.glitch.me/sendethers

  1. Set POST
  2. Set content-type in header as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  3. set parameters as body

Send Eths



  • receiver: e.g. 0xAa458F5c2bc53E6D93A8aCB41638A1af7e76C3B9
  • request: e.g. 1

Check amount of Eths in faucet


Parameters: none

To top up faucet

  1. Go to Remix
  2. Paste faucet.sol
  3. provide ETH, press [Receive]