
This repository contains all the C programs that I have executed for my DS Course in my 2nd Year of Computer Science Undergrad program at Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India in Q4 2021.

Primary LanguageC

Data Structures

This repository contains all the C programs that I have executed for my Data Structures Course in my 2nd Year of Computer Science Undergrad program at Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India in Q4 2021.

List of Programs

Serial No. C File Name Description
1 1_ArithmeticOperations.c A C program to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers.
2 2_SumAndReverse.c A C program to find the sum of digits of a number and reverse the number.
3 3_MatrixAddition.c A C program to add two matrices.
4 4_MatrixMultiplication.c A C program to multiply two matrices.
5 5_LandBSearch.c A C program to search an element in a 2D array using Linear Search and Binary Search algorithms.
6 6_InfixPrefix.c A C program to convert an Infix expression to Prefix expression.
7 7_InfixPostfix.c A C program to convert an Infix expression to Postfix expression.
8 8_StackArrays.c A C program to implement a Stack using Arrays.
9 9_QueueArrays.c A C program to implement a Queue using Arrays.
10 10_PostfixEval.c A C program to evaluate a Postfix expression.
11 StackLL.c A C program to implement a Stack using Linked Lists.
12 12_QueueLL.c A C program to implement a Queue using Linked Lists.
13 13_TowerOfHanoi.c A C program to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion.
14 14_PolynomialEval.c A C program to evaluate a Polynomial expression.
15 15_BST.c A C program to search for a key element given a Binary Search Tree.
16 16_GraphTraversal.c A C program to traverse a Graph using Breadth First Search and Depth First Search algorithms.
17 17_FileOperations.c A C program to perform File Operations.

How to Run

  1. Ensure that you have a C compiler installed on your system.

    gcc --version

    It should look something like this GCC Version

    If you don't have a C compiler installed, you can download one from here or using your package manager.


    • Ubuntu -
    sudo apt install gcc
    • Arch Linux -
    sudo pacman -S gcc
    • macOS -
    brew install gcc

    Additionaly, if you are using Windows, follow the steps specified here.

  2. Clone the repository using the following command:

    gh repo clone rexgraystone/dataStructures


    git clone https://github.com/rexgraystone/dataStructures.git
  3. Change the directory to the cloned repository:

    cd dataStructures
  4. Compile the C program using the following command:

    gcc <C File Name> -o <Output File Name>
  5. Run the program using the following command:

    ./<Output File Name>