
Challenge for IWS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov

Insurance is a webapp that allows insurers to create custom risk models and their clients to submit those data.

Live Demo

API (Endpoints are documented below)




To create risk types you will need to authenticate with the following credentials

Username: rexhepberlajolli
Password: 1Wt1n5UR4nC3

To see the risk dynamic submitted data checkout the following endpoint

Example: https://api.insurance.rexhepberlajolli.me/api/v1/custom/riskTypes/6/results

Technologies used

Insurance uses a number of open and closed source projects to work properly:



Used to store risk type models


  • Risk Type
  • Risk Field


* == Required

  • Risk Type
    • id: Int Autoincrement Primary Key
    • name: Char *
    • table_name: Char UUID *
  • Risk Field
    • id: Int Autoincrement Primary Key
    • risk_type: ForeignKey to Risk Type *
    • name: Char *
    • type: Enum (text, select, date, number, currency, option, color, bool) *
    • options: Array of Char


What is it used for

Each dynamodb table is created automatically from a django signal after a RiskType first creation using the generated uuid in field table_name as name and it is used to store the data that is submitted using the form with the fields of the associated risk type.

Risk field renderes

  • Text - Input field with type text
  • Select - Select field with specified options
  • Date - DatePicker
  • Number - Input field with type number
  • Currency - Input field with type text and a $ left icon
  • Option - Radio buttons
  • Color - ColorPicker
  • Bool - Checkbox

Running it locally

Clone project

$ git clone https://github.com/rexhepberlajolli/Insurance.git

Change directory to its path

$ cd Insurance

Create a virtualenv using python3

$ mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) InsuranceEnv

Install backend requirements

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install frontend requirements

$ yarn install

Create database and user on postgres

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE insurance;
postgres=# CREATE USER iwt WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '42d31ae0c55d494b8861be0e6';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE insurance TO iwt;

Run dynamodb locally

$ java -Djava.library.path={{ PATH TO DynamoDBLocal_lib }} -jar {{ PATH TO DynamoDBLocal.jar }} -port 8888 -inMemory

Start the backend

$ ./manage.py runserver

Start the frontend

$ yarn start

Navigate on browser to the following paths for backend and frontend

Backend: http://localhost:8000
Frontend http://localhost:3000

Running linters

Backend: pycodestyle **/*.py  
Frontend: yarn run lint

Running backend tests with coverage

$ coverage run --source='.' manage.py test
$ coverage report

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Request Data Response Data Response Status Description Needs Auth & Admin Permissions
POST /api/v1/auth/ {"username": "your_user", "password": "your_password"} {"token": "9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b" } 200 Authenticate user No
GET /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/ [{"id": 1, "name": "Car", "table_name": "66470550-4211-4bd0" "risk_fields": [{"name": "Owner": "type": "text"}, ...]}, ...] 200 List risk types No
POST /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/ {"name": "Car", "risk_fields": [{"name": "Owner", "type": "text", ...}]} {"id": 1, "name": "Car", "table_name": "66470550-4211-4bd0" "risk_fields": [{"name": "Owner": "type": "text"}, ...]} 201 Create risk type Yes
GET /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/:id/ {"id": 1, "name": "Car", "table_name": "66470550-4211-4bd0" "risk_fields": [{"name": "Owner": "type": "text"}, ...]} 200 Retrieve risk type No
PATCH /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/:id/ {"name": "Home", "risk_fields": [{"name": "Price", "type": "number", ...}]} {"id": 1, "name": "Home", "table_name": "66470550-4211-4bd0" "risk_fields": [{"name": "Price": "type": "number"}, ...]} 200 Update risk type Yes
Delete /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/:id/ 204 Delete risk type Yes
GET /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/:id/results/ {"results": [{...dynamic_data}], "pagination_key": "ef01a192-d68e-427b"} 200 List risk type results No
POST /api/v1/custom/riskTypes/:id/results/ {...dynamic_data} {...dynamic_data} 201 Create risk type result No


Deployment is fully automated using travis-ci with is triggered on each push and runs tests, linters, checks if coverage is 100% and if everything succeeds it automatically deploys backend to Amazon Lambda and builds frontend static files and pushes them to Amazon S3. P.S Builds of backend and frontend run in parallel

Can i deploy it on my own ?

Yes just follow the steps below

Setup amazon access keys

$ vim ~/.aws/credentials
  1 [default]                                                      
  2 aws_access_key_id = ENTER_YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  3 aws_secret_access_key = ENTER_YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Your stuck and dont know how to quit vim and save this file? Don't worry your not the [0] or the [-1] one :D

Press ESC (or touch it if you have a new macbook)
Type :wq
Press Enter

Run the magic command that deploys the API

$ zappa deploy prod
$ zappa manage prod migrate

Set the following environment variables on your lambda management console

ALLOWED_HOSTS=api_gateway_host, front_end_host, ...otherHosts
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST=front_end_host, ...othersHosts
POSTGRES_DB=Database name

Copy the api gateway url returned from the zappa deploy prod log and visit it on your favourite browser. (Thats your api)

Run the magic script that deploys the frontend


Yeah thats it!


  • Visualise risk type
  • Add frontend tests
