Tutorial: Funnel Plot from R script to R Custom Visual in Power BI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction - Introductive story about the "Funnel Plot"
  2. Chapter 1 - Let's start with R-script
  3. Chapter 2 - Let's create R-visual in Power BI
  4. Chapter 3 - Package R code in R-powered Custom Visual
    1. Create basic R-powered custom visual
    2. Improve the R-powered custom visual by defining the input fields
    3. Improve the R-powered custom visual by adding user parameters
  5. Chapter 4 - Convert our visual from PNG to HTML-based visual
    1. Create HTML-based Custom Visual
    2. Bonus example with HTML-based Custom Visual
  6. Let's summarize about R Custom Visuals
  7. Tips and tricks
  8. Useful links

Story about the "Funnel Plot"

This atricle from "thegaurdian" tells us the inspiring story about how using wrong visualization tools can trigger wrong conclusions even by such a serious news publisher as BBC. The real "hero" of this story is "funnel plot". Which can be used for comparing institutional performance and medical data analysis.

funnel plot image

The funnel plot is easy to consume and interpret. The "funnel" is formed by confidence limits and show the amount of expected variation. The dots outside the funnel are outliers.

In this blog author demonstrates the implementation of "funnel plot" in R, and we use it as a starting point.

We are going to use this code in order to incrementally create all four different creatures:

  1. R-script for RStudio
  2. R-visual in Power BI
  3. R-powered Custom Visual in Power BI (PNG-based)
  4. R-powered HTML-based Custom Visual in Power BI

Of cause we could choose not to create R-visual or PNG-based custom visual and to go for HTML-based custom visual from the beginning, we only do it for the sake of completeness of the tutorial.

Chapter 1

The minimal R-script and the accompanying data table:



The next version of R-script is essentially the same, but implements input errors handling and user parametes to control the appearance of the plot:


All the code is in chapter1_R

Chapter 2

Let us load the "dataset.csv" into Power BI desktop workspace as "Cancer Mortality" table. The code in "script_R_v1_01.r" is almost ready to be used within R-visual. We only need to comment out the read.csv call.

The resulting R-code is:


See the result in:


Remark: The dataset is hard-coded name for the input data.frame of any R-visual.

Chapter 3

We are about to package R code in R-powered Custom Visual. Before you can get started you'll need to install the PBIVIZ tools. This should only take a few seconds (... or minutes). Follow the instructions here

Section 3.1

Now we will use any command line shell (like "Command Prompt") to create new R-powered custom visual:

> pbiviz new funnelRvisual -t rvisual
> cd funnelRvisual
> npm install 
> pbiviz package

It will create funnelRvisual folder with initial template visual (-t stands for template). The PBIVIZ is in "dist" folder. Try to import it in PBIX and see what it does. The R-code is inside "script.r" file.

  • Open "script.r" file for editing and replace its contents by "script_RV_v2_00.r" just as is !!!
  • Open "capabilities.json" in any editor and Find/Replace the Values string by dataset string. It replaces the name of "Role" in template to be like in R-code. See before vs. after
  • Optionally: open "dependencies.json" in any editor and add one section for each R-package required in R-script (to support automatic import of packages, when visual is added first time). See before vs. after

Now re-package the visual again:

> pbiviz package

Try to import it in PBIX again and see what it does.
The resulting PBIX and the whole Custom Visual Project from this section may be found in:



Section 3.2

The Custom Visual in previous section is good to go, but it is not really user-friendly. Because user has to know the order of columns in input table.
Let us divide the input field dataset into 3 fields (roles): Population, Number and Tooltips.


  • Edit "capabilities.json" by replacing dataset role by three new roles. You will need to update 2 sections: dataRoles and dataViewMappings

These sections define names, types, tooltips and maximum columns for each input field. See more information here.

The resulting file is

chapter3_RCustomVisual\funnelRvisual_v02\capabilities.json. See before vs. after

  • Edit "script.r" to support Population, Number and Tooltips as input dataframes instead of dataset

The resulting file is chapter3_RCustomVisual\funnelRvisual_v02\script.r. See before vs. after

To follow the changes in R-script, search for the commented blocks:

#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to enable custom visual fields 
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:END:Added to enable custom visual fields


#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Removed to enable custom visual fields 
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:END:Removed to enable custom visual fields

Now re-package the visual again:

> pbiviz package

Try to import it in PBIX again and see what it does.
The resulting PBIX and the whole Custom Visual Project may be found in:



Section 3.3

The Custom Visual in previous section is almost perfect, but something is still missing. What is it? Of cause, user parameters.


The user obviously wants to control colors and sizes of visual elements as well as some internal parameters of algorithm from UI. Let's add this capability:

  • We need to edit "capabilities.json" again, this time the objects section. Read more about objects section here.

This is the place to define names, tooltips and types of each parameter. As well we decide on partition of parameters into groups (three groups in this case).

The resulting file is

chapter3_RCustomVisual\funnelRvisual_v03\capabilities.json. See before vs. after

  • Now edit "src\visual.ts" file.

It is a typeScript. You may find this part a little confusing, escpecially if you are not familiar with JavaScript / TypeScript. Don't worry it is possible just to use the example as template.

To follow the changes in TypeScript, search for the commented blocks:

//RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to enable user parameters 
//RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:END:Added to enable user parameters 

The resulting file is chapter3_RCustomVisual\funnelRvisual_v03\src\visual.ts

You will find four blocks of code added.

  1. Declare new interface to hold the property value;
  2. Define a member property and default values;
  3. Change the updateObjects method to get the value of the enumeration;
  4. The code in enumerateObjectInstances to show the property in the property pane

See before vs. after 1,2,3,4

  • Now edit "script.r" to support the parameters in UI, it is quite easy just by adding if.exists calls per user-parameter

The resulting file is:


To follow the changes in R-script, search for the commented code blocks:

#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to enable user parameters
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:END:Added to enable user parameters 


#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Removed to enable user parameters 
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:END:Removed to enable user parameters

See before vs. after.

Note that you may decide not to expose some of the parameters to UI, like we did.

Now re-package the visual again:

> pbiviz package

Try to import it in PBIX again and see what it does.
The resulting PBIX and the whole Custom Visual project in this section may be found in:



Remark: In this tutorial we add parameters of several types (boolean, numeric, string, color) at once. If you find it too complicated to follow, please have a look at this example, which shows how to add single parameter.

Chapter 4

Section 4.1

The resulting visual is PNG-based and therefore not responsive to mouse hover, can not be zoomed in etc., In the last step we will show how it can be converted to HTML-based visual. We will create an empty R-powered HTML-based Cutom Visual template and then copy some scripts from PNG-based custom visual project.

Use command line:

> pbiviz new funnelRHTMLvisual -t rhtml
> cd funnelRHTMLvisual
> npm install 
> pbiviz package

Explore "capabilities.json" and pay attention to "scriptOutputType": "html" line.

Explore "dependencies.json" and pay attention to names of R-packages listed there.

Explore "script.r" and pay attention to its structure. You may open and run it in RStudio. It does not use external input. You will find that it creates and saves "out.html" file. This file have to be self-content (without external dependencies) and defines graphics inside HTML widget.

To help htmlWidgets users we also provide R-utilities in "r_files" folder to help with conversion of plotly or widget object into self-content HTML. Note that this version of R-powered visual supports source command (unlike previous types of visuals) and we will use it to make code more readable.

  • Replace template "capabilities.json" by "capabilities.json" from previous step, but obviously keep:

"scriptOutputType": "html" . See before vs. after.

The resulting file is: chapter4_RHTMLCustomVisual\funnelRHTMLvisual_v01\capabilities.json

  • Merge latest version of the "sript.r" file from Chapter 3 with "script.r" from the template.

What are the changes? We use plotly package to convert ggplot object to plotly object. Next we use htmlWidgets package to save it to HTML-file.

We also move most of utility functions to "r_files/utils.r" and add generateNiceTooltips function for cosmetics of plotly object

The resulting file is

chapter4_RHTMLCustomVisual\funnelRHTMLvisual_v01\script.r The most important changes are 1,2.

To follow the changes in R-script, search for the blocks:

#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to create HTML-based 
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to create HTML-based


#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Removed to create HTML-based  
#RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Removed to create HTML-based
  • Merge latest version of the "dependencies.json" file from Chapter 3 with "dependencies.json" from the template, to include new R-package dependencies

The resulting file is chapter4_RCustomVisual\funnelRHTMLvisual_v01\dependencies.json

  • Change the script "src/visual.ts" in exactly the same way as you did in Chapter 3.3

To follow the changes in TypeScript, search for the blocks:

//RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to create HTML-based `
//RVIZ_IN_PBI_GUIDE:BEGIN:Added to create HTML-based `

You will find same four blocks of code added (like in Section 3.3). The resulting file is chapter4_RCustomVisual\funnelRHTMLvisual_v01\src\visual.ts

  • Now re-package the visual again:

> pbiviz package

Try to import it in PBIX again and see what it does.
The resulting PBIX and the whole Custom Visual Project may be found in:


Section 4.2: Bonus example.

The resulting project in previous section is blown up and heavy relative to initial template. Blame for this all incremental changes that we did in this tutorial. It has nothing to do with the fact of being HTML-based. Let us do simpler example. Start with empty project:

> pbiviz new smallRHTML -t rhtml
> cd smallRHTML
> npm install 
> pbiviz package

We are going to take a code from this showcase. And do the changes on it.

The changes for HTML-based visual are highlighted

Highlighted changes

Just copy it instead of your template script.r and run pbiviz package again. Now you get this cool visual in your Power BI report !

Quick Summary of R-powered Custom Visuals

Let's recap main steps for creation and perfection of the R-powered custom visual from the scratch:

  1. Start with working R-script
  2. Install all required components: NodeJS and powerbi-visuals-tools
  3. Create new template custom visual
  4. Edit the key files:
    1. Edit script.r and capabilities.json to create basic working custom visual
    2. Edit script.r and capabilities.json to allow for multiple input fields (if required)
    3. Edit script.r and capabilities.json and visual.ts to allow user parameters (if required)
    4. Edit dependencies.json and pbiviz.json and icon.png as final touches to your custom visual
  5. Package the visual and share it with community

Tips and Tricks

  • We recommend developers to edit "pbiviz.json" to contain correct metadata (such as version, email, name, license type etc.)

IMPORTANT: the "guid" field is an unique identifier for custom visual, so change it if you want several visuals to co-exist. Like we did to add all custom visuals to the same report.

  • Edit "assets/icon.png" to create cool unique icon for your custom visual.

  • In order to be able to debug your R-code in RStudio with exactly same data as you have in Power BI report, add the following code in the beginning of the R-script (edit fileRda variable):

#DEBUG in RStudio
fileRda = "C:/Users/yourUserName/Temp/tempData.Rda"
    load(file= fileRda)
    save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file=fileRda)

This code saves the environment from Power BI report and loads it in RStudio.

  • You do not need to develop R-powered Custom Visuals from the scratch. All the code is available in github. Select the visual which is the most similar to the one you want to develop. Replace the guid in "pbiviz.json" and go ahead. For example, you can start from spline custom visual and tweak its R-code.

  • Keep in mind, that each R visual and R Custom Visual applies unique operator to the input table. To avoid the identical raws being removed, consider adding extra input field with unique ID and just ignore it in R code.

  • If you have Power BI account, you can use Power BI service to develop your visual on-the-fly instead of re-packaging it with pbiviz package command.

  • And finally we recommend developers to submit their R-powered custom visuals to the store. It will make your visual famous and make you get cool t-shirt !!!.

Useful links:

R-script showcase: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/R-Script-Showcase/bd-p/RVisuals

Office Store (gallery): https://store.office.com/en-us/appshome.aspx?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US&clickedfilter=OfficeProductFilter%3aPowerBI&productgroup=PowerBI

Custom Visuals Documentation: https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-visuals

Basic tutorial on R-custom visuals: https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-visuals/tree/master/RVisualTutorial

Develop and submit custom visuals to the store: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-developer-office-store/