
Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker development environment for personal use Collection of mysql5.6, nginx, php-fpm56, php-fpm72, redis, rabbitmq, ftpd_server

Installed the xdebug extension for php-fpm56 and php-fpm72,

After configuring the phpStorm debug, you can debug directly, no other configuration is needed (maybe, the time is a bit long and hard to remember ~)

Works with Chrome extension Xdebug helper with address https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xdebug-helper/eadndfjplgieldjbigjakmdgkmoaaaoc


git clone https://github.com/rexmolo/docker-dev-env.git

Container management

Start all: docker-compose up After installation you can use docker-compose -d up

Stop everything: docker-compose down

Restart one: docker-compose restart php-fpm56

Enter some: docker exec -it php-fpm56 bash


Php56: fastcgi_pass php-fpm56: 9000;

Php72: fastcgi_pass php-fpm72: 9000;

ftpd_server: (execute subordinate commands in the container)

Add account command:

useradd ftptest -g ftpgroup -d / home / ftpusers / ftptest -s / sbin / nologin

Enter the following command, you will be prompted to set a password, and then you can use it normally

pure-pw useradd ftptest -f /etc/pure-ftpd/passwd/pureftpd.passwd -m -u ftptest -d / home / ftpusers / ftptest

Look at a few users:

pure-pw list

Reset the ttt user's password:

pure-pw passwd ttt

Data refresh:

pure-pw mkdb

RabbitMQ Interface Management: Account: guest Password: guest


Some mount paths in docker-compose.yml may require some simple adjustments, for example ~ / www /: / data / httpd in volumes in php-fpm56 may need to be modified to your own project storage path