
Tech around Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

This is a repository demonstrates how to build "things", mostly in Go. There's some python code in here.

Noteworthy content:

1 - app: directory of all the apps.

2 - leetcode: my leetcode answers

3 - lessons: tools for teaching ( mostly to myself )

Goals of the project

1 - You should be able to pick a top you want to learn, go the directory where that's taught and run + learn everything inside that directory. Each directory should be self-contained. There should be no need to look at files from a different directory. For example. If I wanted to learn how to dockerize a webservice, I go to the dockerize directory and learn how to do it from there.

2 - Demonstrate how to work with different go technologies.


In each of the directories I have comments which starts with // Notes. These indicate the things I want to point out in each project.

Getting started


In one terminal, start the services:

make compose 

In another terminal, ensure that the services are up:

make health

Breaking things down further on how to get started

Caveat: You need to go to each service directory and do make docker_build before you can do the steps below. It's a bug that will get fixed.

You can get a feel for what this project does by starting all the services.

make compose

runs the docker compose and starts the services. You can see the docker containers that gets started. All docker containers are prefixed with rexposadas

docker ps 

You can then check the health of the services.

make health

Directories and what's in them


A simple REST API. Use this to learn how to:

  1. Create a simple REST API
  2. Test the logic of your API

Running the services

Instructions on how to work with the individual services are in the readme.md inside the directory.