
Pipeline for training and evaluating CNNs as well as analyzing layerwise computational complexity

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This repository is written to simplify the common neural network pipeline

In this repo, you will find: 1) code for training and evaluation of neural networks; 2) code for layerwise analysis of computational complexity


pip install nn-pipeline

Example for analyzing complexity:

from nnutils.cnn_complexity_analyzer.profile import profile_compute_layers

# model: torch.nn.Module
# inputs: dictionary type decribing input to the network
# Example: most CNN models on cifar10: inputs={'x': torch.randn(1,3,32,32)} 
# Keys in inputs needs to be the same as the parameter names for model's forward function

# profile results will look like:
# {
#    layer1.weight: ComputeProfile
#    ...
# }
# where the keys are the same as keys in model.state_dict()
# Attributes of ComputeProfile is found in nnutils.cnn_complexity_analyzer.utils.NNComputeModuleProfile
# Number of keys in profile results is the sum of CONV layers and FC layers in the network

profile_results, model_sparsity = profile_compute_layers(model, inputs=inputs, verbose=True)

Example for evaluating accuracy:

from nnutils.training_pipeline import accuracy_evaluator

# model: torch.nn.Module
# device: 'cpu' or 'cuda' device to evalaute the network
# data_loader: dataset for the model
# criterion: loss function for the model

top1_acc, loss = accuracy_evaluator.eval(model, device, data_loader, criterion, print_acc=True)