
OpenAI gym for the Google Chrome dino game.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OpenAI gym for the Google Chrome Dino game.


git clone https://github.com/mattstruble/gym-chrome-dino.git
cd gym-chrome-dino
pip install -e .


import gym
import gym_chrome_dino
env = gym.make('ChromeDino-v0')

State, Actions, and Rewards

  • The state is a RGB numpy array with shape of (150, 552, 3).
  • The available actions are 0: do nothing, 1: jump, and 2: duck.
  • A positive reward 1 is given when the dinosaur is alive; a negative penalty -10 is given when the dinosaur hits an obstacle.


gym-chrome-dino runs the game via selenium in order to monitor and control the game.

Ensure you have the latest ChromeDriver that matches your chrome installation.

Add the full path to chromedriver to your system:


Add a new system environment PATH equal to: CHROME_DRIVER_PATH=path\to\chromedriver.exe.


Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshrc, or whatever profile you use):

export CHROME_DRIVER_PATH=path/to/chromedriver