
A template for Server Side React, Server Side Redux and Client Side React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Server Side React, Server Side Redux and Client Side React

I created this to be used as a template. Currently, I couldn't find a cra-template that met my needs. So I created this template with traditional webpack instead of create react app.

Its benefits are:

  • SSR + CSR = Isomorphic React with ReactDOMServer and ReactDOM.hydrate
  • Server Side Redux (which handles the intial redux state)
  • Initially have Lighthouse 100 scores across the board (except PWA)

Lighthouse Initial Score

Install and start it up!

reyarqueza@rey-mac : ~/isomorphic-react-starter-kit
$ npm install
$ npm start


Open up 3 terminals and run the following npm scripts:

Run the Express server

reyarqueza@rey-mac : ~/isomorphic-react-starter-kit
$ npm start

Run the javascript build watcher

reyarqueza@rey-mac : ~/isomorphic-react-starter-kit
$ npm run client-side-react-dev

Run the Sass compile watcher (Dart with @use support)

reyarqueza@rey-mac : ~/isomorphic-react-starter-kit
$ npm run sass-watch


To create a minified production build:

reyarqueza@rey-mac : ~/isomorphic-react-starter-kit
$ npm run build

The Secret (Not) Sauce