
Expense tracking web app

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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The expense tracking app.

About the project

HomeBugh app is a web application to track your home finance expenses.

There are a bunch of articles and books describing the benefit of tracking expenses. So that's exactly what we do with my family. We track all our expenses.

There are plenty of ways to track your expenses, you can use an Excel spreadsheet, third-party applications. I've decided to build a tool for myself. That's how the project was born.

It has (almost) all required pieces of functionality I need. And I work on some improvements from time to time.

The project goal

Yet another goal of that project is to practice software development. I've started it when I started to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

It helped me to experiment with different code practices, implement the features I needed in the way I wanted and knew.

There are still some parts I'd like to implement. I'm thinking to build a mobile application, that will require providing an API.

Another idea is to make the project available for everyone. At the moment, I think I'm the only user of that application which is hosted on HomeBugh.info.

I understand some people don't want to share their personal finances with some service. Based on that, I'd like to provide instructions for others to set up the project on their own hosting service.

I'm planning to add a demo user to the project, so everyone can take a look at the project without the need to register.

If the project gets more users, that should bring new ideas on improvements in different areas of the project. So, if you want to practice web development that project can be a good place for you.

The Hacktoberfest goal

To have fun. To help others to start contributing to the open-source.

That's not easy to start contributing to the open-source. Especially at the beginning. There is a lot of stuff. That's not easy to find an issue to work on or find something to improve by yourself.

I'll try to help here. I'll create a bunch if easy to work on issues so everyone can pick up for Hacktoberfest. Issues are relatively simple for a person with some basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails Issues have a small scope, so they can be easily implemented. And more importantly, despite the narrow scope of issues, they will improve the project.

If you decide to participate, I'll try to help you as much as I can.

Welcome, and have fun!

Configure development environment


Be sure there are required dependencies installed on your computer:

  • Ruby version 2.7
  • MySQL

Configuration steps

  1. Fork and clone the repo $ git clone git@github.com:ck3g/homebugh.git
  2. $ cd homebugh
  3. Copy and update the database config according to your local MySQL configuration
    $ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
  4. Install all the required gems
    $ bundle
  5. Migrate the database:
    $ bundle exec rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development
    $ bundle exec rails db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:test:prepare
  6. Seed the database with required data
    $ bundle exec rails db:seed
  7. Run the test suite to ensure everything is in working state
    bundle exec rspec spec/
  8. Start the Rails server
    bundle exec rails s
  9. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
  10. Use user@example.com with the password to sign in.


Any contributions to the project are always welcome. Please check out the Contributing guide.


HomeBugh app is released under the MIT License.