
A web application that shows The New York Times Best-Selling Books

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A web application that shows The New York Times Best-Selling books

The app can be alternatively accessed on https://nyt-best-books.herokuapp.com/

Follow the steps below in order to run the app locally

Step 1 : Clone this repository,
git clone https://github.com/reyhhan/nyt-best-books.git

Step 2 : Navigate to nyt-best-books folder
cd nyt-best-books

Step 3 : Run command
npm install

Step 4 : Create a file named .env in the root of the project folder with the following content
REACT_APP_API_KEY=<insert api-key>
Note: To obtain an api-key follow the instructions given in https://developer.nytimes.com/get-started

Once you have completed the instructions, enable 'Books API' from the created App in https://developer.nytimes.com/my-apps
Copy the api key and replace <insert api-key> above with the api-key

Step 5 : Install the following required dependencies
npm install axios
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Step 6 Finally run
npm start

Screen shots of the application

On selecting Hardcover fiction from the categories, the image below is displayed

alt text

On selecting Manga from the categories the image below is displayed

alt text

On clicking the 'View' button, the details of the selected book is displayed

alt text

On clicking the 'Buy' button, the web app proceeds to purchase from the Amazon website

alt text