Setup and dependancies

  1. Clone the repository by typing git clone in console
  2. Download Postman
  3. Download Node.js
  4. Install npm packages by typing npm install in console


Type npm run demon in console to start the project


  1. Open Postman
  2. Click New and select HTTP Request
  3. Select the POST method
  4. Type http://localhost:6655/api/users/ in the request URL
  5. Click Body below the request URL and select raw
  6. On the right click Text and select JSON
  7. In body paste the following text and replace the required fields:
    "email": "",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "password": "your_password"
  1. Click Send
  2. Copy the string after "token": for later


  1. Follow the same steps as Registration up to the 6th step
  2. Replace the request URL with http://localhost:6655/api/users/login
  3. In body paste the following text and replace the required fields:
    "email": "",
    "password": "your_password"
  1. Click Send
  2. Copy the string after "token": for later

Show all events

  1. Open Postman
  2. Click New and select HTTP Request
  3. Select the GET method
  4. Type http://localhost:6655/api/events/ in the request URL

Post an event

  1. Follow the same steps as Registration up to the 6th step
  2. Replace the request URL with http://localhost:6655/api/events/
  3. In body paste the following text and replace the required fields:
    "host": "your_user_ID",
    "email": "",
    "event_location": "your_event_location",
    "event_date": "your_event_date",
    "event_duration": "your_event_duration"
  1. Click Headers left to the Body
  2. Write Authorization in the Key field
  3. Write Bearer your_copied_token in the Value field
  4. Click Send

Edit your event

  1. Follow the same steps as Registration up to the 6th step
  2. Instead of the POST method select the PUT method
  3. Replace the request URL with http://localhost:6655/api/events/
  4. Add your event ID to the request URL, example: http://localhost:6655/api/events/6400bda8526d8000fd9d9656
  5. In body paste the following text and replace the required fields:
    "host": "your_user_ID",
    "email": "",
    "event_location": "your_edited_event_location",
    "event_date": "your_edited_event_date",
    "event_duration": "your_edited_event_duration"
  1. Click Headers left to the Body
  2. Write Authorization in the Key field
  3. Write Bearer your_copied_token in the Value field
  4. Click Send

Delete your event

  1. Follow the same steps as Registration up to the 6th step
  2. Instead of the POST method select the DELETE method
  3. Replace the request URL with http://localhost:6655/api/events/
  4. Add your event ID to the request URL, example: http://localhost:6655/api/events/6400bda8526d8000fd9d9656
  5. Click Headers left to the Body
  6. Write Authorization in the Key field
  7. Write Bearer your_copied_token in the Value field
  8. Click Send