
My personal configurations repository

Primary LanguageLua

Reza’s Personal dotfiles Repo

🐂 Description

This repository is for my personal dotconfig files.

Note: This repo will only contains system dotfiles as for Emacs and DWM has its own respective repositories.

Clone this Repo

My dotfiles are managed using git --bare, No need symlinking. For better understanding on managing dotfiles this way check out Distrotube’s Youtube Video.

  1. Create alias for easier management
    # For bash it'd be .bashrc
    echo 'alias dotfiles="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME"' >> $HOME/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc
  2. You are ready to clone
echo ".dotfiles" >> .gitignore
git clone --bare https://www.github.com/rezaamashi/repo.git $HOME/.dotfiles
dotfiles checkout
  1. Hide Untracked files so that you could only see the things that matters
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

Usage example

# To manage your files
dotfiles status

# To add a new file
dotfiles add .vimrc
dotfiles commit -m "Add vimrc"

# And push it to your own repo
dotfiles remote add origin https://www.github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
dotfiles push origin master

Or git --bare-ify, your own dotfiles

git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
echo 'alias dotfiles="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME"' >> $HOME/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

Extra Tip for magit users

If you use magit for version control management, you would need to set up special function to manage git --bare repositories. Here is my setup for my dotfiles, add this to your init.el:

(setq bare_git_dir (concat "--git-dir=" (expand-file-name "~/.dotfiles")))
(setq bare_work_tree (concat "--work-tree=" (expand-file-name "~")))

;; use maggit on git bare repos like dotfiles repos, don't forget to change `bare-git-dir' and `bare-work-tree' to your needs
(defun rz/magit-status-dotfiles-bare ()
  "set --git-dir and --work-tree in `magit-git-global-arguments' to `bare-git-dir' and `bare-work-tree' and calls `magit-status'"
  (require 'magit-git)
  (add-to-list 'magit-git-global-arguments bare_git_dir)
  (add-to-list 'magit-git-global-arguments bare_work_tree)
  (call-interactively 'magit-status))

;; if you use `rz/magit-status-bare' you cant use `magit-status' on other other repos you have to unset `--git-dir' and `--work-tree'
;; use `rz/magit-status' insted it unsets those before calling `magit-status'
(defun rz/magit-status ()
  "removes --git-dir and --work-tree in `magit-git-global-arguments' and calls `magit-status'"
  (require 'magit-git)
  (setq magit-git-global-arguments (remove bare_git_dir magit-git-global-arguments))
  (setq magit-git-global-arguments (remove bare_work_tree magit-git-global-arguments))
  (call-interactively 'magit-status))

I bind the function rz/magit-status-dotfiles-bare to SPC-G, and rz/magit-status to SPC-g. That way I could manage my dotfiles configuration using SPC-G, and the usual magit-status using SPC-g.