
Primary LanguageC++

- gsl libarary
- raster3d (for graphics, it is not needed for running)
- feh (recommended, it is a nice lightweight image viewer which I use for seeing the frames)

Just run: 

>> make

It will compile first (if needed) and run the program. This will read config file which 
should be present, if not present, it will give a warning and run with default parameters. 
If there are output (out00xx) files from pervious runs it will complain and stop. Run:

>> make clean

to delete them and then run "make" again.


The output configurations are save in files with name "out00xxx" with the following format:
- first few lines give print the coordinates of the wall planes (3 points for each)
- the lines preceded by id 14 are the ellipsoids: 14 x y z a b c q0 q1 q2 q3 
  where (x,y,z) is the centeroid, (a,b,c) semi-axis radii and (q0,q1,q2,q3) the
  quaternion representing the orientation.


>> make animate

This will run bin/genFrames.sh which reads the output files and converts them 
to a format compatible with raster3d and then use raster3d (render) to produce 
graphics corresponding to all output files. 


>> make pov FILE=out00001 

This will create out.png containing the graphic.


- size of the box Lx, Ly, Lz
  boxsize		1 1 1.2

- density of the particles
  density  	1

-Graviti, gx, gy, gz
  Gravity  	0   0   -10

- time step with which the configurations are printed out
  outDt  		0.01

- time step for the solver
  timeStep 	0.0001

- max time
  maxTime		10.02

- size distribution of the particles 
  SizeDistribution uniform 0.05 0.15
  SizeDistribution mono 0.05 
- number of particles
  nParticle 	3000

- stiffness of the particles
  stiffness  	5e+02
- damping factor
  damping		5e+0
- dynamic friction (no static friction implemented)
  friction	2.0e-1

- prefix for the output files; the code will add number like 0001 0002 (corresponding to each snapshot)
  output		out	

- methods implemented
  method	deposition (for an example config file for this see config_deposition)
  method	Stillinger (for an example config file for this see config_stillinger)

-Boundary conditions (for Stillinger use the last one)
 boundary	wall
 boundary       periodic_x
 boundary       periodic_xy
 boundary       periodic_xyz

- shape parameter (defined like in the paper: eta=a/b, xi=b/c)
 eta 	1.4
 xi 	1.4

- there are some more parameter which are less useful or too just adhoc.

Let me know if you have any question: reza.baram@gmail.com